Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4520 - Hold you to the water

Chapter 4520 holds you to go splashing

The splashing water bead is illuminated by the early morning sun and is like a diamond-like scorpion. It is thrown high with the streamer, and the dazzling light in the morning sun falls back to the river and gathers to flow into the distance.

The veterans signaled that their young captain had come down, and the big hand with the water waved hard and shouted loudly toward the shore. “Captain, come down, come down! Do it with them.”

“I just want to go to the sky just after I got out of the nest. You have to come down to support us. Thirty-fourteen, the number of disparities is not good, and you need help.”

The caller was T6. He saw the two men holding hands on the shore, and they were not surprised at all. They laughed at the ear and looked like a child.

He knows the two real relationships on the shore, so he doesn’t feel that there is anything wrong with the big hand holding the small hand. After the continuous maneuvering, the spirit of the tightness is relaxed, and some joys are played. When the two people hold hands, they don’t think of reminding, but they also pull the door. Howl.

The T6, who was screaming for the rescue, was directly thrown into the water by two special forces who had gone through thousands of hardships. The tall and tall people fell to the river where the brains of the heavens and the spirits were all fighting, and they “fluttered”. The scoop of the scoop of water splashed, and was instantly pressed by both comrades to the two hands, shouting “help”.

The T6 who spoke was not aware of the problem with the two men on the shore. The players who rushed to him were also very upset. They didn’t pay much attention to the shore. They only looked at the veterans who bullied them in the past to solve hundreds of problems. The “heart fire” in the day and night.

It’s not really a fire, it’s just feeling…Mother’s, I can finally bully and go back, and finally I don’t dare to say that I’m like a grandson before, finally… Hahaha, turning over and singing.

With the T6 being thrown into the river, there is a V8 that has been thrown into the river, and even the vice-team G3 is no exception. All of them are thrown into the river, and the special forces who have turned over to be the mainstays will go back and forth, and their names are: Take a shower.

The quick response, such as K7 and E6, found that these players were not quite right, and they quickly went ashore in advance, avoiding danger.

The veterans who are slightly slower or unguarded are terrible. The T6 in the front also said that thirty to fourteen, K7 and a few of them went up to thirty-eight, and the absolute number overwhelmed.

“Oh, grass, where! Don’t lick my pants!”

“Rebel! I am afraid not afraid of Laozi’s fist!”

“I rely! Who is scratching my feet, not afraid of athlete’s foot infection?”

“Don’t stop, I am afraid of itching, hahaha… I rely on it, help, I can’t stand it!”

The clear rivers that have not even passed the calves are all laughter and laughter. They are the paradise of the young special forces who have been fighting for three consecutive days and two nights.

Those war smokes were washed clean by the clear river water, and those blood that could not be dispersed were gradually faded as the river continued to flush, and finally disappeared.

Ye Jian saw that the veterans were bullied and screamed by the newly joined comrades. They also heard some unpleasant voices from time to time. Although they were a little embarrassed, they did not let her want to avoid, but smiled and bent like a new one. In the month, even the man around her shouted that she had not heard it for several times.

Xia Zhongxue saw that all her attention was in the river, like a pen and ink, and then the fine eyebrows of the meticulously refined eyebrows were picked up. Then he bent down and wiped her earlobe with a thin lip. The distance is whispered, and smiles: “Do you want to go down and play? I am carrying you over, let’s splash a water together?”

Completely repaired in the front, from the 4471 chapter to the full repair and maintenance… has been repaired to Chapter 4519. Because of the addition of scenes in the middle, the chapter has lengthened three chapters, and the fees have not changed.

(End of this chapter)

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