Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4521 - Love exposure (1)

Chapter 4521 A big exposure (1)

The comrades in the river played really joyously. Ye Jian never saw that they could be played in a river like a child. They didn’t watch out for the man suddenly talking to her at such a close distance. Unsuspecting, she actually felt his thin lips close to the ear.

It was clean and the low-pitched sound that was like the snow of Tianshan was straight into her ear socket like a thin hook, and then it fell into her heart.

I don’t know if Xia Jinyuan deliberately did this. He posted it and said that E6 laughed and looked over here. He also shouted: “Summer team, you are going down, we…”

Then… We warned that the last word of “alert” was broken, and it seemed that there was still “squeaky”, and the sound was broken, and the two eyes were almost out.

Excited too much, the position of the station is a higher stone in the river bed, frightened E6 sole slip, the tall and tall body directly down.

K7 steadily reached out and supported the comrades who had slipped down from the big stones. The line of sight was faint toward the left side.

The steady E6 is coming again, shouting: “Captain, you are indecent!”

K7 silently retreats to the side, he needs to stay away from this kind of eyeless power, even if the IQ is off-line to a comrade who can’t save at all, so as not to be implicated.

E6 is not without eyesight. The main conversation between the front and the Z7 is still not filtered out in my mind. If I say it, I have no brains to blurt out.

This time, Ye Jian was frightened. The cold man was kissed by the man around him. He was even colder and was seen by his comrades. Also… he even shouted out that she was indecent as the summer team.

She, she, she… she… she has to do something!

I knew what I should do, but I was stunned by my comrades. The leaves of Jane’s brain were blank, and I only made a subconscious movement: jump off!

She wants to jump away from the man around me, hurry, quickly… Before he is noticed by more comrades, jump off quickly!

It is this action that makes Ye Jian more tragic.

Before I watched my comrades splashing too much, I laughed and got caught and didn’t pay attention. Now I have a “bounce” action. I don’t know if I am not worried about her. She will suddenly come. Such a violent “jump” action, holding her hand to say “beware”, then … and then he was shocked to pull the leaf with the white rabbit like a hard pull, then a solid piece of leaves Pulled into his arms, the front is still a single hand, this time, huh, huh… Hehe… hands on the upper position.

Pulling the leaf that wants to “jump open” into his arms, Xia Zhongyi loosened the two hands tightly with his own skillful and agile hand, and then used this hand to hold the leaf waist tightly. Then another “squeaky” slammed the leaf and slender waist.

Oh, both hands are in the upper position, so that they are not ventilated, and the posture like a babies is like a hurricane crossing, and it is strong into everyone’s eyes.

The momentum was too fierce, and the boss of the E6 mouth was so fierce that the comrades who were still in the bed were all shocked.

This time even the T6 was stunned, and a cold river poured into his mouth, and he burst into a huge cough.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh!

It’s too hot, my wife too… too, he’s so hot!

On the spot, hug and hug, in public, I am, ah, ah!

Too masculine!

(End of this chapter)

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