Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4522 - Love exposure (2)

Chapter 4522: A big exposure of love (2)

Informed as T6, V8, G3, K7, Z7 only felt the best, and caught a strange look from their captain’s unusual movements, unknowingly such as woven bird, white crane, E6 and other comrades, although feeling a slight wrong, more psychological activities to E6 is the representative of the psychological activities.

“I bet that the Bluebird will definitely give a deep greeting to the captain’s good face.”

The E6 is such a small whisper and a small K7 whispering away from him.

With him as the representative, he said all the psychological activities of the comrades at this moment.

The comrades who were playing in the river stood silently. Several veterans, such as the uninformed white cranes, weavers and other veterans, finally got up from the river.


In the wet clothes, the water drops drip into the water like rain, the river is “smashing”, and the comrades standing in the river wait silently…

Waiting for the blue bird to burst into the face of her captain.

At this moment, the whole body is stiff and the leaves of the stone are stupid. The clear black water is big and big, and the whole face is awkward. As for the brain, I am embarrassed that the brain has crashed and the data is completely blank.

In addition to the singer of the summer sergeant Xia Jinyuan, the singer of the summer, everyone stays dumb, stupid, shocked, watching, waiting, etc…

All of them were drunk and he was sober-minded. The middle school was bowing his head, and the eyebrows were twisted. There was a slight disappointment in the handsome face. “There are all **** stones on the shore. You are not afraid to smash the stones on your head. Breaking the blood.”

Although Junyan is not happy, the voice is very soft.

K7 pushed the E6 and calmed down: “The blue bird may sprain his foot. You can help me to see it.”

“Twisted to the feet? Oh, good.”

Out of trust in his comrades, E6 nodded very honestly… It’s really gone.

K7 slightly daggers, encourages and cheers for the courage of E6, and exerts the quiet black belly to the fullest.

As the E6 steadily and vigorously ran toward the hugs, the Z7 eyes in the river flashed, and the faint voice floated into the G3 ear. “E6 told me last night that the bluebird is the daughter of our captain. The Jade Bird is the daughter and the captain is the old father.”

“…” G3’s neck was rusted, and the robot without the oil squirmed a little bit. “And then? How do you say?”

Intuition tells him that the guys who are in front of each other with the number of girlfriends in the team will not have a good eye.

Z7 smiled. “He said that he would ask the daughter who raised her hand to achieve today’s achievements. What would be the feeling of being the captain of the old father, I would like to interview the interview personally.”

Sure enough, I didn’t have a good eye.

G3 looked up his forehead, and the long legs in the water moved. The sound of the water was “哗哗”, and the distance between the two people was about half a meter away to the shoulder. “How do you answer?”

A thief-like whisper.

“I must agree, I will support my hands and give advice to him. I can ask when the Jade Bird is there. It is best to have both parties present. After interviewing the old father captain and interviewing the daughter Jade Bird, the effect will be better.”

The Z7 proposal was highly recognized by G3. For the recognition of the watch itself, G3 gave the Z7 a thumbs up. “This award is for you, please accept it.”

“Received.” Z7 nodded, and saw the figure of the past, and smiled: “When do you say he will interview?”

“With K7’s push, I can’t hide it with E6. Because of the trust of the captain, I think we should soon see the most exciting interview in history.”

(End of this chapter)

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