Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4523 - Love exposure (3)

Chapter 4523: A big exposure (3)

G3’s professional analysis makes Z7 nod. “I believe in your analysis. Now wash and wash, play and play, I am a little tired, do not rest as above?”

“Yes.” G3 nodded.

The two partners are holding their hands.

T6, V8 eye glimpse, in view of many years of comrades, many years of tacit understanding, two friends you look at me, I look at you, head to the shore lifted up, eyes pass the common meaning: go up?

After lifting the head, I confirmed my eyes, and the two partners held their hands on the shore.

Waiting for the blue bird to shoot the sea 揍 indecent, her captain’s comrades saw the E6 slammed into the line of sight, and the role of the supporting role was to destroy the two main characters, the comrades squinted, what do you mean? What do you mean?

What did E6 run over?

Can you help the bluebird captain?

How bold is that? !

E6, dare, like the wind, his footsteps “噔蹬” stepped on the small stone “哗啦”, he was so stupid, stayed, smashed Ye Jian.

“Summer team!!”

Silly, staying, stunned Ye Jian woke up, shocked, panic, IQ and reaction came back, seeing the running E6 scraped to the side, wit such as Ye Jian smiled: “Thank you Xia team, I am fine, It seems to be a little sprained on the foot.”

The foot seems to be a little sprained, and the volume is high. I am afraid that the E6 can’t hear clearly. The wit of the wit is clear: “The troubled summer team helped me, I checked and checked if I was hurt.”

“It’s really awkward, let K7 check, the medic is there, don’t check it yourself.”

How can E6, who is screaming, can’t hear what Ye Jian said? Listening is too clear. After saying it, he said, “K7, this quack doctor just said that you might have twisted your feet and really said it.”

“Is it a twist on both feet? Fast, first sit down and hold down…” He was also very enthusiastic to share the responsibility of supporting the school for the Lieutenant Colonel, and praised the rapid reaction of the next summer lieutenant colonel. E6 smiled: “It’s still the old father’s quick response, otherwise the little daughter is afraid to get her head today.”

He lowered his head and reached out and said with emotion.

Continue to be hugged and unable to struggle with Ye Jian to let his mouth rush to cough.

If she doesn’t understand the mistake, the old father in E6 is equal to the summer team, and the little daughter is equal to her?

E6, your eyes are so good!

Ye Jian did not worry that he and Xia Jinyuan’s hug would make the comrades have a relationship with each other, but worried… Then the E6 will be cleaned up by the summer team.

Xiazhong, who has become a one-handed waist with both hands, picks and raises his eyebrows, and the darkness of the abyss is unspeakable. He smiles like a smile to E6. “Old father? Me?”

The voice does not look at it and asks a little smile. If you fold these words in strokes and then turn all the strokes into blades, the E6 at this moment is estimated to be “smashed” by the blade.

As a special commander, the E6 has a strong desire to survive suddenly. The hand that sticks out seems to be hot and flies back to the air, and smiles at the lieutenant colonel. “It seems that you don’t need to help the two together, with the captain’s majesty.” You can pick up the blue bird directly.”

“K7, come over and see the blue bird, I was really guessed, she twisted her feet!”

Strong desire to survive makes E6 become more intelligent, and it is very convenient to pull K7 into the center of the hurricane, comrades-in-arms, comrades-in-arms, and we are together to fight together!

K7 said that he doesn’t want to fight at all, so tired, he wants to sleep.

Waved his hand and answered with indifference as usual. “The blue bird is more familiar with gunshot wounds than I am. My own things are solved by myself. I am a little tired and will go to sleep.”

(End of this chapter)

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