Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4524 - Love exposure (4)

Chapter 4524 Ailing Love Exposure (4)

This is Ye Jian entered the team, for the first time in history, I heard the explanation of K7’s long story!

No way, the desire to live strongly makes K7 have to explain in a long way, he does not want to, the reality forced him to bow.

E6 stepped back and was very surprised: “I can’t see it, Jade Bird, the sideline has also repaired the doctor? Then you check it yourself. Captain, you accompany the bluebird, take care of the lesbians in our team.”

“I will not accompany you, I don’t understand, I will only add chaos. The captain is working hard. I will go to sleep, and the captain will see you again.”

When I was driving a helicopter, I encountered an E6 with no fear of engine failure. At this moment, in the captain of their captain’s smile, I awakened the strongest and most fervent desire.

He has to hurry, he has to leave the land of right and wrong, and it is very likely that one night later will be really dead!

Ye Jian’s hands clasped her hands on her waist and kept pressing hard. E6 was in front of her eyes. She couldn’t move too much, her expression had to be kept in the end, and she was obviously panicked and anxious. Still have to smile.

Tired, really tired, never tired so much.

Xia Jinyuan was really angered by the “old father” to the liver, lungs, heart… The internal organs were heartbroken, and the acute myocardial infarction was committed!

Old father?

Old father?

Old father?

He is the old father of his family?

What about his real old father-in-law?

Even a father, is it a tender father?

“come back.”

The “old father” who has been guilty of acute myocardial infarction is cool and cool, and the E6, which is ready to be slid, is fixed in place.

K7, who took a few steps over there, settled and turned back.

Although their captain did not name the surname, the tacit understanding made K7 know that the word “return” was given to him and E6.

The K7 who came back saw four people, T6, V8, G3, and Z7, who were about to laugh into the sheep, and the number of Z7 was the most serious.

Oh, thought you could escape?

Ye Jane finally put a button on his waist to keep up with the big hand of 502 glue. He used it too much, and he pulled his face into a red face. He looked like a big red face, more shy to a red face.

The weaving finch touched the white crane, and some excitedly said: “Come up, go up, foreboding there will be a big drama!”

The white crane from the scholar family of Shuxiangmen was not in a hurry. After twisting the clothes, he smiled softly and said: “Go, wash your skin and wrinkle.”

And the 30 freshly baked comrades who have quietly said: “The collection, the captain, the bluebird have not been washed, and replaced.”


At the end of the river, the “fresh” comrades who are at least three minutes in the pillars are like the running horses. They have long legs and marched to the river and slammed to the shore.

They didn’t know anything at all. They only felt that the veterans seemed to be very excited, so they were excited together.

The weaver took a silent shot of the shoulder of the crane.

Yes, I also take care of new comrades.

The white crane keeps Sven smiling.

That is, in the future, they will all be the same comrades who have the same bath and sleep, and of course they have to take care of them.

The sound of the squadrons on the river made Ye Jian split a glimmer of light, and prepared to hand over the scene to Xiazhong School to handle her clear and dry mouth, calmly said: “Xia team, I go down to wash, you guys chat.”

She has to leave, she must leave, the summer team is greatly stimulated, I am afraid that it will do more exciting things, and this thing… the protagonist is her!

Wit, such as Ye Jian, wants to run!

(End of this chapter)

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