Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4525 - Love exposure (five monthly ticket)

Chapter 4525 A big love exposure (five monthly ticket)

Where can I run?

The summer school, who was quicker, quickly grabbed her wrist, and the voice of the prostitute whispered softly: “The feet are still twisted, hey, don’t move.”

My daughter is gone, and the old father can’t say anything. “Summer school stared at what the girlfriend thought, and smiled badly, and then raised his eyebrows high, so that Ye Jian felt that something was not good, and the black eyes tightened tighter, he said:” You, you, me, me… my dad is not you. ”

“Of course not me, my father-in-law is still in Beijing, you are me…”


In the depths of the leaves of the leaves of Xia Jinyuan’s thin lips, I found the sound of the earth-shattering sound, and I caught the mouth of Xia Jinyuan at the speed of lightning.

She knows what he wants to say, can’t say, can’t say!

E6: “…”

What did he find?

What did he miss?

What did he do?

Can he still be alive today?

Can he still see the sun tomorrow?

Oh, rely on it!

He didn’t have the eyesight and knew that something was wrong, and he knew that he was in trouble!

At that moment, E6’s face turned into bitter gourd, and the second asked Xiazhong to ask for mercy. “Captain, sorry, I am short of heart, I am wrong.”

K7, you are a grandson who plays with Yin, you are miserable!

Z7, you and you are rolling over to Laozi, you killed Laozi!

At this time, E6 wants to cry without tears, and I feel that I will hate “Sin”!

Xia Jinyuan’s clear eyes reflect the morning sun, the light is brighter and darker, and the girlfriend has already sent his arms to the hug. He naturally has to go through the square and is not awkward.


In Ye Jian’s exclaimer, he simply picked up Ye Jian in the way of the princess and said to E6: “Is there something to see?”

All this step… What is the relationship at a glance.

The comrades on the shore scared to settle on the spot, aging mother, what they saw!

Their captain hugs the bluebird… hug it!

The weaver and the white crane just stepped ashore barefoot, and the most exciting scene in front of them scared the two people to slip together and almost didn’t fall.

I go!

All embraced this!

Informed G3, K7, T6, V8 that stay, really… really they didn’t think of it!

Today is a good day for the relationship between the two to be open!

Congratulations, congratulations to their captain, who is finally in the body, no longer pretending to be single.

It’s not easy!

Holding the panic-stricken Ye Jian directly buried the blush in the arms of the smoke, and bleed, what else to hide? What else is hidden?

No need.

The man who suddenly thought of holding his own man once said that he would find a suitable opportunity to tell his comrades the relationship between the two, now… is it the opportunity to announce the relationship between the two?

It seems that… is also oh.

They were mistaken for the old father to raise a daughter.

The passive leaf Jane is no longer so flustered. She even raised her hand and took the initiative. She also insisted on helping her all the time. She always loved her and took her hands to the neck of the man she grew up with.

The moment on the ring of the hands, the heart is set.

This man holding her tightly is her boyfriend, her husband, she is so deep and deeply loved him deeply.

Xia Jinyuan laughed, bowed his head, and looked at his girlfriend with a blushing look. “I am very happy, very happy and very happy.”

I am very glad that she did not escape. I am glad that she bravely extended her hands and stood with her comrades to announce the relationship.

Ye simply nodded, and her heart whispered and screamed, “I am very happy.”

Dog sugar for a monthly ticket, continue at night

(End of this chapter)

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