Chapter 4542

After reading the yellow dust, Qin Ying did not immediately go to the V8. She is still very excited. There are many words to say that she is looking for a five-year-old young officer. She said that there are countless nights when she thinks that if one day meets again, When she arrives, what should she say and what kind of good impression she should leave.


Qin Ying, who silently cleans her face and yellow dust, recalls her own behavior before her. She is always free and easy, and she can’t help but regret her face.

Just a little too enthusiastic, I don’t know if I have scared the simple special forces.

Estimated to be scared.

Still clamoring for a jump.

Scared, she was scared. She wouldn’t give up because he was scared. In the five years and five years, there was only this man’s figure. In the past five years, every time he woke up in a dream, it was the man’s eyes, giving up, impossible.

The dust that swept outside was so scary that the sheltered location they were in was already very good, but there was still dust and sand. One person quietly stood on the edge of Qin Ying and gradually found out that something was wrong.

This group of well-trained soldiers are all dumb-like, and they haven’t heard a sigh from now on.

It is estimated that there is no snoring, but a small exchange.

Because she was there, they had to communicate quietly.

They don’t communicate, so how can she find out the personal information of a young officer who has a crush on five years? There is no personal information, knowing which army he is serving in.

The special forces who secretly communicated cleaned up their bodies, and G3 came out to arrange for personnel to be alert. The V8 took the initiative to stand up as a warning.

G3 laughs at the corners of his eyes and cramps. He whispers: “Don’t you still have to find a girlfriend during the day? How can you be timid at this time? Seven or eight people are standing there, riding who is not good to ride on you. , young man, you are shining brightly, and the red star is moving.”

“It’s awkward, that’s why I pushed her down and she retaliated against me.” V8 was unmoved and cautiously said: “Don’t say anything to her, brother, I have to face.”

“Don’t say no, but I want to ask you, she is the type you don’t like? I know that Ye Jian is not what you like.” Many years of comrades are not white, G3 hits the blood and asks the most crucial.

V8 was silent for a while, and laughed and said: “You don’t want to give me a trip. I don’t care if I am a man. People are a girl’s house. Reputation is very important.”

“Okay, I am going to stand guard, let’s rest.”

Did not say that I liked it, didn’t say it or not, G3 hit a few small circles in my heart, deliberately provoked him. “I don’t like it, I don’t like it, it’s hard to be like you Jane!”

“Rely, Laozi still wants to live for a few more years!” V8 jumped up like a cockroach, no longer squandered his tongue and sneaked away.

Ye Jian is very good, personality and temper are very good, but she has a lot of cold and cold, when the comrades are very good, when the girlfriend is … or the summer team’s girlfriend is the most suitable.

What kind of pot is equipped with what kind of cover, not everyone can do “people love”, the turnip greens have their own good, Ye Jian and then excellent is not the look of the girlfriend in V8.

Of course, Ye Jian does not need the show of other men except the summer team.

What kind of people does V8 like?

G3 thought of the V8 just entered the army for a few months, if not his ability is too hard, J5 almost want to return him to the original army.

Very timid, afraid to communicate with people, saying that the words are like extruding, the voice is so small that it is like a mosquito. If it is not the gender that says “male”, I really think he is a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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