Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4543 - 撮合(with instructions for supporting activities)

Chapter 4543 (Combined with the aid activities)

Later, I heard from V8 that it was because I was very strict with my tutors. I was too embarrassed to be in charge. I only knew that I was immersed in my studies, and I didn’t even have the qualifications to make friends. Joining the army is the biggest resistance of V8 to parents at home.

Until now, V8 still has a must-have in the family. Other comrades have fake homes, and V8 will only take the initiative to let go of their vacation, and clearly told the summer team that he does not want to go home and does not want to go home.

I have been talking to him many times, and I have always received only one “the army is his home, he is very happy”, and going home is a torture for him, he does not want to experience it again.

Later, Major Yang personally called the V8 home and did not know what he said. Major Yang said to the team: “The troops will be his home in the future. You are his family. No one should persuade him to come home to visit.”

The dialogue has become a mystery so far, even the summer team did not ask.

Such a V8 is more lonely than anyone. As a comrade-in-arms, they always hope that he can find a girl who is enthusiastic enough to be gentle inside him, like the cameraman who is forced to V8 blushing!

So enthusiastic, so cheerful, will take the initiative to attack … G3 this time would like to directly package V8 to Qin Ying.

Before packing and delivering people… He needs to confirm whether the beauty cameraman has any idea about the V8.

G3 turned around and said his thoughts to Xia Jinyuan. Xia Jinyuan had a few meetings with Qin Ying. It was not convenient to show up. After listening to it, he thought about it and smiled. “Qin Ying is a bit big, and his mother is extremely focused on the door. However, Qin Ying has always been doing this with her mother… I can try it, first ask Qin Yingcai.”

“You let T6 come over, I will ask again. Everything is done properly, can’t make no noise on the V8 face.”

V8 has a special personal situation, and he has to be cautious in dealing with it.

Ye Jian’s understanding of V8’s personal situation is limited to himself. As for his family’s situation, she is not aware of it. She is also inconvenient to show her face. She is very worried. “How can I not know what to do? I have seen a mother who has a strong desire to control. It is a matter of life for Qin Ying, and she will definitely not let Qin Ying.”

“In case the Qin Sakura is really on the V8, the V8 is slowly tempted. As a result, Qin mother came out to have a good fight, the summer team, we don’t have to do bad things.”

“Qin Ying has never obeyed the arrangement at home, and let her take a road. As long as she does not give up, Qin Jianai can’t help Qin Ying.”

Xia Jinyuan took Ye Jian’s hand and rubbed his fingers on her back for a while. He repeated: “Not everyone is as lucky as us, and can be blessed by the elders in the family.”

“If the two are really, they will not give up in the two people’s resistance to the family.”

Yes, not everyone is as lucky as her and the summer team. Some of them have experienced the ups and downs of the feelings. Some of them can’t stand the wind and rain, and they say that if they really become, she hopes. The two are the former.


Ye simply sighed softly and smiled bitterly: “Why do you think they can try it out? It is unpleasant to meet for the first time. I can hardly imagine that Qin Ying has a good impression on the V8.”

Too strange.

“So I need to find T6 and then confirm what is the situation at that time, and then go to the next step.” Xia Jinyuan condensed his eyes slightly, and there was helplessness in the clean voice. “A little situation can’t be let go, you have to try it.”

Otherwise, all are older bachelors…

(End of this chapter)

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