Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4559 - What to save (monthly ticket i

Chapter 4559, what to save (monthly ticket ing)

On the way back from the airport, Ye Jian did not intend to turn his head and let Fu Da see the sunburn on the back neck. Fu Da, who was so distressed that the air was cold, did not even drive the car. He just passed the high-speed temporary stop and immediately stopped the car. To the Chinese medicine doctor who has been keeping up for Mr. Fu Lao, the Chinese doctor introduced a doctor of Chinese medicine beauty care. The doctor himself did not go to Beijing, but sent her apprentice Wei.

Ye Jian drove Dr. Wei back, and Fu Da looked seriously at the military channel. From the beginning, he pulled out a little wrong Ye Jian and came over to Fu Da’s side. He smiled and said: “Dad, I said it was a small problem. The doctor just said, how do you still look serious?”

“I think I need to see two guests who can’t accompany you tomorrow, and I’m thinking about how to quit.” Fu Da sighed and raised his hand and touched Ye Jian’s head. He looked at the tri-color skin on Ye Jian’s face and blinked. Fu Da added: “The daughter’s family is better than the male soldier. Have you considered serving for several years?”

He really wants to support his daughter’s work. How can she see three different colors of sunburn on her face and a red and peeling sunburn on her back? Fu Dad gave birth to want to persuade Ye Jian whether to consider retiring.

Ye Jian smiled and put his head on Fu’s shoulder. “Dad, I don’t think about it. I like the uniforms on my body and I like the life of the troops. I think that unless the troops no longer need me, I will not choose to leave. Military camp.”

“Dad, I am really okay, it’s all normal training, I can eat it, I don’t feel very hard. Come again, if it’s not for the army, I don’t think I can find my way home and find you. Find grandfather and find my loved ones.”

“You can rest assured that I will take care of myself, will not let myself be too tired, and will not let myself suffer, you should not worry about me.”

“Stupid children, there are parents who don’t care about the world. You… very independent, independent to Dad sometimes don’t know how to care about you.”

“The two fathers and daughters have not met for more than two years. My daughter has grown up. I grew up to let my father feel gratified and distressed. The daughters of other families are raised, and my daughter’s daughter is crawling and rolling and taking care of herself.”

“Working hard, Dad’s daughter.”

Fu Da sighed, and then gently touched the back of Ye Jian, “The friend you will see tomorrow is the two students of Dad. So, don’t you want to go shopping? The dad changed the meeting place to Xidan. Xidan is said to be a girl. The favorite place, you will go out with Dad tomorrow morning, wait for Dad to see the students and come over to find you, how?”

Ye Jian certainly promised, and he was very happy to promise.

I didn’t think of it at all… Fu Da didn’t even have his intentions.

As for the phone call, Fu Da did not say to Ye Jian, so Xia Jinyuan is still worried.

T6 didn’t dare to come in again, but he didn’t talk about it everywhere. The captain sat down in a chair and said that it would damage the captain’s majesty. If you can say that he will say it!

After all, this kind of thing is not as happy as it is.

Xia Jinyuan, who still saw him wrestling, holding his cell phone and staring, staring at the phone, he leaned his head against the back of his chair, and his face sighed at the ceiling.

He had a big disaster tonight, and the future father-in-law would hang up the phone directly, and did not want to listen to what he explained.

What to explain?

At that time, the dumbfounded person did not even think about how to explain. He even came up with a compelling idea in the electric Flint: pretend that he was not him, pretending to make the wrong call.

He really wants to perform, and as a result, the father-in-law will hang up several times in the future, and know who he is.

I ran out to eat with my friends tonight, and there are only four chapters to update. I will update eight thousand words tomorrow.

Just watched the next month’s ticket, double-click 666666, one day, I even harvested nearly 500 monthly tickets. For the 500-month ticket, I have to update eight thousand words tomorrow!

In addition to the monthly pass, the baby who passed through the subscription has to remember the aid activities… Love you, go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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