Chapter 4560 is extremely sad

He was unable to show his head back.

The shadow of being answered by the future father-in-law is so big that he would like to make another call to hear if a girlfriend has a good idea to save and save… I have been slow to dial.

I am really afraid to dial in the past and it is the future father-in-law received. What should he say?

Le is very sad and sad.

After the relationship was opened, he was a spring breeze in the team, and his life was beautiful. See whoever is pleasing to the eye, even the monks… In the words of the players: Mu Chunfeng!

Oh, huh, huh, like the spring breeze, I am sorry, he is now being devastated by the storm.

“You still have to call, the future father-in-law is 50% likely to answer the phone. Baby also takes 50% of the call, steady, fight!”

Take a deep breath, Xia Jinyin replaced his hands with a handshake, took out the courage and determination of the first battlefield, slender fingers press the answer button, ready to redial the phone number just dialed.

He and Ye Jian did not save each other’s mobile phone numbers, and they already remembered each other’s mobile phone numbers. It doesn’t matter if they don’t exist.

Click to open the call record, the drip button is selected, just press the dial button, the number that you are ready to dial out suddenly jumps to the big screen, Xia Jinyuan’s pupil is tight, and the hand shakes.

I’m coming!

Who is there?

Future father-in-law?


Don’t panic, take a deep breath, take a deep breath, don’t panic, the future father-in-law who hangs up the phone should not take the initiative to call him back, then it should be his little fox.

Inhale again, Xia Jinyuan wrote straight, and gently pressed the answer button to take out the seriousness of the meeting. After eight hundred, he opened his mouth. “Hello.”

There was a big question mark on Ye Jian’s face over there. Did she dial the wrong number? Impossible, how can the summer team’s mobile phone number fall back?

Looked at the number dialed out, correct.

It is estimated that the Xia team did not see who it was before answering the phone.

“The summer team is me.”

The sound of the lightness is like the sound of the sound of nature. The fearless and uneasy summer school teacher only feels that he is surrounded by flowers and spring.

“Wait, wait, baby, let me slow down, I have to slow down first.”

The two long legs pulled down to the bottom of the desk, and the whole person leaned against the office chair. The middle school with one hand pressing the chest continuously adjusted the breathing, and then dispersed the feeling of nervousness in his heart.

On the trampoline, I used aloe vera ice to cover the face of the leaf. I was a little worried. When she thought about it, she vaguely guessed something. She couldn’t help but laugh. “What did my dad say to you? Let the sky not be afraid, the fearless king of the world is scared. such?”

“Do you are not fatter? The skin is thick enough that it won’t be scared by my dad.”

Ye Jian wanted to see if Xia Jinyuan had sent her a text message, so she took a look at the mobile phone. When she saw that there was no record in the mailbox, she would like to try to contact. Several number keys were pressed, and a set of numbers appeared automatically in the call log. During the hour, Xia Jinyuan had contacted her, and the talk time was 36 seconds.

At that time, she was using medicine to apply her shoulders in the room, and the mobile phone was placed in the living room.

At this time, Xia Jinjin’s various reactions, Ye Jian thought and guessed a bit.

Xia Jinyuan, who has been slowing down, sighed: “The majesty of the sorrow, the father-in-law took me a call, and I said a word…” Xia Jinyuan, who is awkward, reinterprets the baby who has left the big disaster, ear It’s a laugh from a girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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