Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4569 - Do not misunderstand

Chapter 4569, don’t misunderstand

No, it’s not right!

Xu Ma stunned, “Nothing, what do you think of this child.”

Xu Wen did not answer, and her eyes sighed with a dialogue with Ye Jian at that time.

“My dad is accompanying me…” At that time, Ye Jian said such a sentence, she only dismissed the idea of ​​going shopping together.

“Dad, Mom, I finished eating, you are slow to eat.” The food that was picked up was hurriedly put into his mouth. Before the elders in the family spoke, Xu Wen put down the chopsticks and ran back to the room.

The parents died… What is the “dad” that Ye Jian said today?

No, she has to ask clearly, curiosity is completely evoked.

Xu Ma sees this, smiles and sighs to Xu Dadao: “Look at this child, not to be boasted at all, only to praise her a lot of calm, look, see, and like a child.”

“You, it is asking too much. Wenwen has made great progress, don’t be too harsh.” Xu Dad hurts his daughter, smiles and gives Xu Ma a dish and puts it in a bowl. “Eating vegetables, eating and eating, our family is three. Take a walk.”

“You are used to it.” Xu Ma glanced at her husband and exchanged her husband for a silly smile.

No way, Xu Dad does not return home all year round, naturally it is necessary to hurt the daughter who does not often meet.

Ye Jian is chatting with Xia Laozi and Xia Lao’s wife in the Xiajia old house. The two old people learned that their grandmothers came to the old house tonight. It was so happy. I told the family to prepare for the early days, for fear of slowing down the grandmother.

I also told the Commander-in-Chief to come back to the family to drink a little tonight, don’t get drunk, it will be a little hard.

Commander-in-chief Xia and Minister Xia entered the house one after the other. Fu Da and Ye Jian were about half an hour old and had already talked with Xia Jia.

After dinner, all went to the garden behind the summer house, blowing the cool breeze blowing from Beihai Park, walking slowly, chatting and chatting, laughing and laughing all the time.

Mrs. Xia Lao was injured in her knees when she was young. It was not a long time to walk. After walking around the back garden, she went to the octagonal pavilion to rest. When Xu Wen called, Ye Jianzheng talked with the elders.

When the phone came over, I was afraid that Ye Jian was embarrassed to speak. The old lady said first: “Young people have to have their own social circle, but they can’t accompany us a few old ones, grandchildren, you talk to you, Let’s talk about ourselves.”

Ye Jian likes her elders very much. Mr. Fu Lao, Xia Laozi and Xia Lao’s wife are all kindly old people who think about their younger generations. They are wise and knowledgeable, generous and generous, and have a positive and optimistic attitude. Unlike Ye’s old lady, she controlled her family’s children with her own desires, even the younger generations.

Ye Jian, who was holding the mobile phone, got up and took a little closer to Xu Wen’s phone in the gentle gaze of the elders.

Picking up only one word for “hello”, Xu Wen said, “Little Jane, which father are you with today?”

Ye Jian raised his eyebrows. When did Xiao Nizi become fine?

She was happy to talk about her mouth at the moment, but she didn’t see her later. When she didn’t feel relieved, she remembered that she still called and asked.

She was a little addicted and wanted to answer Xu Wen. Xu Wen said again: “Is it not convenient to say? It is not convenient to say that when I did not ask.”

Xu Wen suddenly thought that it was not necessary to ask clearly. Anyway, their little Jane would not do bad things.

Ye Jianxiao said: “There is no inconvenience, but I don’t know how to open it. I also mentioned my dad with you before. You and Jingjing mistakenly thought it was a dad, and I didn’t explain it.”

(End of this chapter)

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