Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4570 - Cruel truth (harvesting moon ticket)

Chapter 4570 Cruel Truth (Harvesting Monthly Pass)

Since Xu Wen asked, Ye Jian did not intend to conceal it. He said that it was not a dad, but my father. Some complicated things are things of the elders. It is too complicated. It is impossible to say a word in three words. You know My dad is my father.”

Xu Wen, who was hiding in the room, had heard dizziness. “It is really complicated. I am not going to ask, I am afraid that my IQ is not enough. I know that your father is a dad, and you want to say something else.”

That is Ye Jian’s family affairs. Even if she is a good friend, she should not ask for details. I only know that the most important thing is that.

Xu Wen, who has always been emotionally high, no longer chased after asking, and quickly turned the topic away. “Small, my parents know that you are in Beijing, I want to ask you, my family, to come out and have a meal. I don’t know if I have time. A face.”

Tomorrow… There really is no time.

“Sorry Wenzi, my dad and I haven’t seen each other for a long time. I only have two days to go back to Beijing. I want to accompany my dad to see his students tomorrow. I will leave Beijing the day after tomorrow.”

“So fast? That is no time to come out, Cheng Hao, I said to my parents, we still have a lot of opportunities to have dinner.” Xu Wen said with a smile, not to force a little, the two people laughed and said a few words Just end the call.

Turning around, Ye simply saw that the Minister of the Dasha Xia, who should have been sitting in the gazebo, was coming towards him. Ye Jiangang just wanted to meet, and Minister Xia waved his hand and motioned her to stand still.

The wife of the special soldier who received the call was in a good location and was suitable for chatting.

Ye simple and easy to know that there is something to say to himself, and it is very likely that he will see photos during the day.

Minister Xia did say that there was no photo in the photo. Ye Jian shouted “Da Bo”, and Minister Xia smiled and went straight to the topic.

“Make sure you know what I want to say. When you are in junior high school, you will work with the members of the organization. You will also work with the sixth to solve two members, and one of the female members will kill the weapon in your hand…”

When it comes to silver wire, the leaflet of the heart is a little anxious to interrupt the Minister of Xia, “Da Bo, that is my own favorite…” She did not want Xia Jinyuan to be punished for herself, and quickly took responsibility for the misconduct of private possession of evidence. On the body.

After all, she was still a student at the time, and she was most criticized for her, but the summer team was different and he would be punished.

Minister Xia raised his hand and did not let Ye Jian go on. “I know what you want to say. Now I am not blaming. I want to tell you that the organization has not given up looking for Chen Dongfeng. They found Anyang many years ago to prove their direction. Correct, then the sinister mistakes were intercepted by you and the sixth, so that they mistakenly thought that their actions were exposed, so they immediately stopped to crouch.”

“A few years later, I made a comeback and killed Chen Dongfeng. Did you think about it in the afternoon? Maybe you have your own opinion?”

Ye Jian lowered his head, and his breath became dull, and more sadness flowed out of his eyes. “Da Bo, I always wondered why Chen Shu suddenly came to Beijing from the sniper base. I haven’t alarmed anyone. I have never been there before. I want to understand why Chen Shu knows that there is danger, but he still has to go to Beijing.”

“I saw photos at you until this morning, I… I wonder why Chen Shu suddenly wants to go to Beijing, why he doesn’t want to alarm anyone. Because I…it’s all because of me.”

La la la, the last day of June, tomorrow is July, the last day of June, the monthly ticket is not left, the first day of July, the monthly ticket begins to walk! Of course, our update will continue to walk until 12 o’clock tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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