Chapter 4571 blames

From the national defense, Ye Jian’s mood has been very dignified. Even if she went shopping, she didn’t have any thoughts. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have a god. I found that Fu Da bought a few bottles each.

Because she has been distracted, thinking about the people in the photo, and seeing the same silver wire again in a few years, so in the end she only made an excuse to say that Fu Da is very tired and wants to go home.

She always thought, even if she was back home, she was still thinking about closing the room.

I finally put the front and back together and thought about the key to why Chen Shu would go to Beijing.

If it is not because of her, Chen Shu will never go to Beijing, absolutely not!

The tears are like broken beads, one drop and one drop to the ground splashing a beach of water, and the sound of the leaf without the head has already choked.

“Because I, because I… Chen Shucai went to Beijing, if it wasn’t me, Chen Shu… Chen Shu could not enter Beijing. Because I solved the organization with the Xia team many years ago, these people are very likely to find me, and I found out the relationship between me and Chen Shu, so they threatened Chen Shu and let Chen Shu leave the base to go to Beijing.”

“It’s all because of me, Chen Shu is because of me… he just went to Beijing.”

Fear of alarming the elders in the pavilion, Ye Jianlian was crying, the voice was sorrowful, and the pain of overwhelmingly made Xia’s ministers unable to close his eyes. The oldest woman who came back to Xiajia’s daughter-in-law was really extraordinary!

The girl who can surrender the sixth **** of this old man, he should have thought that it is very unusual, knowing that this child is very powerful, and now he knows that he was still underestimated!

Huai Ruo Zhu Xu Ling Qushui, Qi with Lan Jing in the spring breeze… This child is elegant and pleasant, more heart-to-heart!

A photo, a past event, he reminded me, so she was connected into a line, and finally thought of their national defense … investigation for a long time before the incident is a little bit of a cause.

Why did Chen Dongfeng go to Beijing, why didn’t he alarm anything, because it was because he didn’t want to see his own hands raised like a pro-female Ye Jian had a little danger.

He didn’t alarm anything because he knew that once he told others, he couldn’t go to Beijing at all, and Ye Jian would stop it.

But he also knew that he would be in danger of being in danger. Then someone needs to know in time, and he pretends to meet with the instructors at the base of the Beijing-based business. The two of them went to Beijing to walk out of the train station.

However, Chen Dongfeng did not expect that the members of the organization who had assassinated him would set up a nearby place. He only waited for him to come out and immediately thought about meeting him.

The world-class sniper rifle king has fallen, the military has lost the good will, how people are not angry.

However, the members of the two organizations have their own skills, and their whereabouts are uncertain. They do not know how many members are in the organization. It is not easy to find the culprit.

It is not easy to check, but to find out the removal of the real murderer, shocking the two organizations!

The Xia Minister who stood still and did not speak immediately. The wife in front of her eyes was afraid to think of the key in her early days. She has been suppressing herself. Now she is crying and crying. It is also a way to relieve emotions and release stress.

“In order to protect me, Chen Shu had to leave the sniper base. He may solve those people himself, so he came to Beijing alone. In the end, he may be afraid that this group will continue to stay in the country, deliberately slamming with a businessman on a business trip to Beijing. The instructor is traveling.”

Ye Jian’s hands and pains covered his face and sobbed. The hot, hot tears flowed out of the fingers and wet the back of his hands. “In fact, Chen Shuyi also took the determination to die, but he didn’t want to die so silently, let him kill. His organization members continue to stay, he has to have talents around him…”

(End of this chapter)

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