Chapter 4572, Huiji will hurt

“Chen Shu told me over and over again that he should not avenge him. Don’t let himself fall into danger. In fact, what Chen Shu wants to say is that everything is stopped by his death, and everything ends with him.”

“I am too stupid, too stupid… I didn’t think of the key immediately. I thought that Chen Shu simply didn’t want me to avenge him. I was too stupid, too stupid. If I thought of Chen Shu as me, I would quietly enter Beijing. Maybe The defense investigation will be faster, and maybe it will start to act now.”

I have never understood why Mr. Chen will go to Beijing’s Ye Jian. When she saw the photo, she would not be judged in the wrong direction until she finally understood.

Minister Xia sighed softly. “Wrong, child, you are not stupid, just don’t know the other party’s water depth, and don’t know that the other party has never given up.”

“Even if you guessed that he was going to Beijing for you, the defense was not so powerful. Lima immediately thought of linking the case a few years ago.”

“Children, you are not stupid, not stupid, but too smart, so that the uncle is shocked. Huiji will be hurt, and Bob will be a little stupid, so that you will not bear too much shackles in your heart, so you will not let yourself be very tired. “”

“I just want to remind you that you may also be in danger. It seems that the big man is wrong. I should not give you the photo. I just want to remind you to be careful in the future, but I don’t want you to cry so sad.”

Minister Xia really regretted it. He underestimated Ye Jian’s keenness and underestimated Ye Jian’s sharp analysis of the incident, which led to the immediate scene.

“No, uncle, I am very grateful to you, thank you for letting me see the photos.” Ye Jan raised his hand and wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes and cheeks, and lifted his eyes. The eyes were red and looked at the minister, and the voice of the throat was like a shudder. Strings, “If it weren’t for you, I didn’t know that Chen Shu was assassinated for me. Thank you, uncle, thank you very much.”

After that, Ye Jian was deeply envious, so that Minister Xia quickly and stepped forward, and his hands firmly supported Ye Jian. “You, this child, get up quickly. It is the uncle who apologizes to you and makes you so sad.”

“No more crying, things are a foregone conclusion. Since you have the heart to seek justice for him, you should take good care of yourself. And, you may not be very safe now, you should understand what you should do.”

“Don’t say anything else. First of all, you have to see if you can stand up and fight for your uncle Chen Shu. Can you come back safely?”

“Children, the deceased has been paralyzed, and the living needs to do more and more, you need to calm down, not regret, understand?”

淳淳 淳淳 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲 诲

Wiping dry tears, washing his face with a scorpion, and taking ice on his eyes, until the summer minister nodded, Ye Jian returned to the gazebo.

When the commander of the gazebo Lisa saw Ye Jian come back, he knew that the elder brother had done the matter and left.

Fu Da secretly caught the twilight. He saw that his daughter Ye Jian’s mood was fluctuating. He could come in and smile slightly. He couldn’t see anything. Fu’s heart was a little bit sad.

Intuition tells him that her daughter has something to do.

When it was time to return to Danguiyuan, Ye Jian sat down and accompanied the two old men to talk about the meeting, then they left the Xiajia old house with Fu Da, and the commander-in-chief of Xia stood at the gate of the two stone lions until they lit up. The taillights of the vehicle are driving out.

When the car drove out, Commander-in-Chief Xia immediately called the departing Minister of Xia, and learned that one of his daughter-in-law had guessed the cause of the incident. Commander-in-chief Xia was silent for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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