Chapter 4583 Arguing

The girls who were brought to the squeaky by the parents heard that there was no room for negotiation. Looking at the sun that could stun themselves, some girls rushed to the bed and cried.

I have to cry, I have to cry, I am sad, and I have no room for negotiation.

The girls who received military training and who yearned for military training would persuade the crying girls and smiled and said: “The first few of us came to you, and the first-hand news was revealed to you. This is not the soldier in the army. It is the instructor of the military school.” They are also college students, and they definitely speak better than the instructors who come out of the army.”

“You are useless now, the class leader does not agree to take time off, you can’t give you a leave of absence from crying and swollen face. It is better to think of time to ask the instructor for leave, really insist that the instructor will not be strong and difficult to us.”

“Yeah, yeah, don’t cry. Actually, the military training is not too tired. The students I passed to Nanda told me that they are all fifteen days. We are still good at Lake, only ten days. Ten days. However, the bite is over.”

“Yes, it’s only ten days of military training, and it’s very fast. Don’t cry, don’t want to eat some specialties from my hometown, it’s delicious!”

“Okay, oh, grief is an appetite! If you can’t escape, then face it.”

They are all freshmen who have left home for the first time. If you say a sentence to me, you will persuade the girls who are crying. This is a girl’s bedroom with good personality and comfort.

There is also a very strong personality, seeing someone running back to the military training left sentence does not want military training, the right sentence does not want military training, when it comes to the whole bedroom, the girls who are in a bad mood, the girls with very strong personality directly make trouble, and the girls who are negatively treated are loud: “I have the ability to ask for guidance, don’t complain in the bedroom?”

“Did you receive the notice without seeing the military training notice? Isn’t it psychologically prepared at home? Did you know it today? Don’t want military training to find a class guide! Look annoying!”

“How do you say something? I will say, you can’t listen to you, you can go! I say mine, what is your business.”

“This is my bedroom. What qualifications do you have for me to go? You said, I will also say, you can’t listen to you, you can go! I say mine, what is your business!”

The girl who is tempted by the temper is not to be outdone. Since she opened her mouth, she will not be brought back by the other side.

Originally, everyone thought that there were some hairs in the ten-day military training. After all, they had never eaten this bitterness. Listening to their brothers and sisters said that the military training was really hard. It was an hour in a hot day, and all of them were worried.

Although my heart is worried, I accept the facts.

As a result, there was such a person who kept sighing and sighing, saying, “I don’t want to participate, I don’t want to get sunburn, I don’t want it, I don’t want it.” Everyone is said to be more negative.

The girls who recited the chanting did not show weakness. They rushed over and quarreled. The other girls saw this and quickly opened the two. Some girls quickly closed the bedroom door. Don’t alarm the boarding teacher to come to the class guide. The impact is too bad.

“Let’s say a few words, say a few words less, military training must participate, don’t complain. In the future, we will have to spend the same four years with the bedroom, and we will get rid of each other and live in peace. We must live in peace.”

“Let’s make one step, don’t let it go. A class, it’s too ugly, who is not comfortable in the heart, and the class leader will criticize the two of you again, and you have no face.”

“The military training is definitely going to take part. The reported brothers and sisters are very clear, and they accept it unless they accept it.”

Quarrels like this are normal, and they are privately resolved without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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