Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4584 - Have their own minds

Chapter 4584 has its own mind

There are also the entire bedroom are looking forward to military training, talking about military training are very excited, hate can not start tonight, so as not to have a long night dream.

“We are much more fortunate than the three brothers and sisters mentioned above. Please come to high-quality military school students. That is the military school students from the military school called the Military Academy. It must be very powerful.”

“Ha ha ha, what you want to see is not how powerful they are, but how handsome they are. Don’t think too good, know that reality is cruel!”

“If you can’t, I can hope that the motivation for ten days of military training must be thought out. You must not give up! Hey, do you say that their temper will be good? It should be better than the soldiers in the army. It is also a college student.”

“Don’t, girls, although they are college students, they are all military-managed military school students. They are exactly the same as the troops except for class. My brother is a military school student. When I was in the first semester, my mother cried and gave me. Brother made a table meal, black, and there is no difference between it and Baogong.”

“Then your brother is handsome? Is it possible that in this group of instructors, if your brother wants to be, is it more convenient for us to take time off?”

“I want to think more, my brother is a sophomore. This year, we are all juniors in military training. Don’t think so much, ugly, handsome, and follow. It’s not because the instructor is ugly, we also co-directed the instructor. Let’s go.”

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter in the bedroom, and the atmosphere in the bedroom was quite good, which would make the girls who were a little resistant to the heart can accept it quickly.

Most girls accept military training, and only a few people will resist. However, it is easy for a few people to pass negative psychology to other students. At this time, it is the turn of the class to solve the problem.

The girl Sven, the class export face to talk, talk about the heart, can comfort.

Boys also sneak a sneak peek into the office of the class guide. Boys are less likely to be given leave. The class guides see that boys are coming to take leave. The first sentence is often “No, girls don’t have one to take time off, you are a boy.” Leave?”

Often, a boy is allowed to leave in a word and dare not stop.

I also want to be self-respecting. I can’t admit that I’m almost worse than a girl. It’s a shame.

It is estimated that there are only a few classes of boys who want to take time off to avoid military training. The rest of the boys are very yearning. After all, men have a **** dream, so there is still great opinion on shortening the military training for fifteen days into ten days.

“Only ten days, I rely on, ten days is enough, I am less than fifteen days!”

“Ten days are not enough. I feel like I am standing at a stop. I don’t feel anything. I heard that there will be targets, is it true? Is there a shooting range in our school? No.”

“Ten days are not enough. There is no way to target. I asked my brother who touched me. Everyone has a chance to shoot. The real gun, but not the real bullet, the empty bomb.”

“I don’t have any interest. The biggest interest is shooting, and the instructor’s temper is not too stinky. I don’t want to work with them.”

“The dry frame is not here. This time it is all military school students. There is no one army to be a soldier. It is also a college student. The quality is certain. I don’t know how to do it. Hey, aren’t you the Taekwondo runner? Do you want to go to the time? Is the instructor more than one?”

“Hahaha, if he defeats the instructor, the instructor has no face! It is estimated that it will not compare.”

“We don’t say it, then squatting, the instructor will not be able to get out of time, and will definitely come out.”

“Cheng Chengcheng, it’s set, and it’s time to watch the show!”

La la la, updated today, I went out for a day during the day, and I was going to have heat stroke…

(End of this chapter)

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