Chapter 4585 is not at ease

The Xiangda freshmen who waited for the military training instructors had a round of discussions in the dormitory as early as possible. Overall, they were very happy.

Ye Jian and other 36 military academy students are actually very happy, but they are happy to hide their hearts. The faces are the most serious. They can sit in the car and feel calm, so that the teacher Li is very stressed.

Teacher Li wanted to talk to the only female student several times. She saw the female instructor who was sitting across the aisle and looked serious.

I always feel that my mouth will be very abrupt. I didn’t talk to the teacher. The teacher in the same position whispered in the same way. The atmosphere of the car was so serious that he was uncomfortable as a logistics teacher.

After a while, I mentioned Ye Jian. Teacher Li said that he and the director Guan had private discussions. “I don’t know if I can hold it. If I can’t hold it, I can immediately inform our teacher and I will help you.” The class is well organized.”

Comprehensively good, but after all, it is a girl, the face of the girl is usually thin, in case… in case it is so bad to be so naughty by a few naughty boys, it is not very good.

“Mr. Li, Xiaoye is very good in all aspects, and there is no need to stop the scene. There are really a few well-informed students who come out to get rid of the eggs. The personal ability of Xiaoye can be handled very well and will not bother the school.”

“Since it is military training, the class class will definitely follow the strict requirements of the troops. At that time, I am afraid that there will be students running to set up a lawsuit, and please ask your school to investigate it well.”

The chief instructor has been responsible for the overall coordination of the trainees of the foreign school for several consecutive years. He has extensive experience and he has given vaccination to Teacher Li in advance. He does not want to appear in the school to listen to the students’ one-sided words, and they are quite vocal about their students. .

Every school teacher is naturally directed to his own students. As a general instructor, he is no exception.

Teacher Li nodded with a smile. “Reassured and confident, since the military training was carried out in colleges and universities across the country, our school participated every year. We encountered a lot of similar incidents.”

“Some of them are indeed students in order to gain sympathy, expand public opinion, deliberately distort the facts and attempt to put pressure on the instructors. Our school will never only listen to the students’ one-sided words and have opinions on the instructors. We will carefully investigate and give them a satisfactory satisfaction. explain.”

With the words of Teacher Li, the chief instructor is relieved.

They also had a military training cooperation relationship with Xiangda for the first time. The first time they established military training to export, some things were said in advance, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Teacher Li was quite satisfied with the 36 students from the military academy. It was no worse than the soldiers in the army.

The bus drove into the campus of Xiangda at about 5:40 pm. The vehicle did not have any slogans. Therefore, even if the bus passed the campus driveway, the students who walked on the pedestrian passages on both sides of the driveway did not find the freshmen’s military training instructors to arrive at the school.

Originally, the front of the bus headed the slogan, and the car drove into the National Science and Technology University. The officer in charge of the reception laughed and said, “It is not necessary to be so high-profile.” With the consent of the director, the slogan of the red-white slogan “Welcome to the National Military Academy Training Instructor” was given. Come down.

Freshmen are still discussing the military training instructors in the heat, and the instructors in charge of the military training quietly entered the school and walked down from the car into the dormitory arranged in the school.

The male students gathered to go to their next short bedroom, four people and one bedroom, and two students and a general instructor.

(End of this chapter)

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