Chapter 4586 All the way to powder

Song Zhiqiu was the male student who was unfortunately assigned to a dormitory with the chief instructor. He secretly exchanged a look with another male student who was in trouble. The personal taste was only known by himself.

Who wants to have a bedroom with the chief instructor?

I really don’t want to!

The only female student, Ye Jian, did not arrange a dormitory for one person. At the meeting, the director of the meeting mentioned that it was simple to arrange a dormitory for Ye. The political commissar of the Yue thought that it was not very good. He asked which new class girl’s bedroom was not full. Ye Jian changed from a single room to a bedroom for a new student.

It doesn’t matter, Ye Jian readily accepts that there is no opinion.

There are arrangements for the leaders of the National Science and Technology University, and the female students who have been arranged have no opinions. The Director of Guan has no opinion at all.

Thirty-five male students were led by Teacher Li and went to the boys’ bedroom building. Ye Jian was taken to the girls’ bedroom by a female teacher in charge of military training logistics.

At the dinner time, the thirty-five students who quietly entered the school gate, as they lined up to go to the boys’ bedroom, were no longer quiet, but became people who stopped to stop and watched people continue to run.

The thirty-five students who were neatly arranged and neatly lined up were led by the chief instructor. They stood tall and stood tall, and the heroic and sturdy into the boys’ eyes.

Boys are more reserved than girls, and even if they stare for a long time, they will not be able to enjoy it.

The girls are different, wearing a summer uniform, even if the back is carrying a full and tight rucksack, the waist is still straight, walking the wind of the military, the military’s cool temperament is thirty-five The boys are perfect.

The representatives who represent the image of the army cannot lose their momentum.

“Left turn!”

The chief instructor who led the way gave a low drink, and the leader of the Song Dynasty completed the left turn, then the second, third, fourth… all straight.

“I rely on, even… I can keep a straight line even if I turn a corner! It’s amazing!”

“It feels very handsome! The walking posture is different.”

“Ha ha ha, your sheep is in a crazy walking position, no one is different from you.”

“I rely on, roll! Xiaoye is also very handsome!”

The friendship between boys and boys is often a matter of minutes. Everyone has a bedroom, talks for a day and a half, and talks a lot.

The friendship between girls is much slower than that of boys. They often need to get to a point of their own, perhaps they can get to the other side, and the friendship is established.

Usually, the situation will be first held, from the politeness of the passengers to the fight and huddle.

In the laughter of the boys, thirty-five students stepped into the boys’ bedroom, and the girls who walked away silently and walked away for a long distance, were a little excited: “The foremost instructor, see no, see no! Handsome and handsome! I don’t know which class he will be responsible for!”

“Will it be our instructor? It’s good to be responsible for our class. It’s really handsome and handsome.”

“See, see, really handsome! So handsome! Let him take charge of our class, I hope to be responsible for our class!”

“Come on, go, go back and tell them that the instructors who came back are so handsome!”

“The most handsome or the first instructor, tall, handsome and temperament, finished… I feel like I fell in love at first sight.”

“Oh, you are beautiful, maybe you have a girlfriend.”

The military training has not yet begun. The news that the military training instructors are very handsome has been spread, so that the sophomores and juniors who are staying in the school to receive new students can’t help but get together.

(End of this chapter)

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