Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4587 - Come here (monthly ticket i

Chapter 4587 is coming (monthly ticket ing)

Ye Jian is relatively calm. There is a person who is led by the logistics teacher Lu. Girls often see Ye Jian at first sight, not attracted by her “instructor” status, but is attracted by the appearance.

“Not a military training instructor, so beautiful, impossible.”

“Beautiful can’t be a military training instructor? What logic? People are very beautiful, but don’t you think her temperament is more outstanding? More perfect look.”

“It’s quite temperament, it’s more beautiful than the female soldier on TV.”

“The female soldier on TV is not a female soldier or an actor. She is a female soldier, and of course she is more temperament.”

“There is no problem with such a beautiful film school. How do you run to be a soldier?”

“Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, people test the National Science University, the military school in the University of China, the score is not lower than our school, you are an ordinary soldier, wrong, graduate is an officer. We graduated to find a job, she graduated There is work, country distribution.”

When I met a girl who once wanted to take the military school, the physical reason was not enough for the girl who brushed it down. From her simple score, there was no doubt.

The male instructors were all handsome, and the female instructors were more beautiful than the TV stars. The 36 military training instructors have not officially appeared in front of more than 1,300 students.

Ye Jian, who did not do squinting, was bet the subject of the bet, and accompanied Mr. Lu to the bedroom of her girl. ·

Before coming and coming here, Ye Jian did not expect that he would encounter… a frictional war between girls.

The logistics teacher Lu did not think of himself, the face on the face, said to Ye Jian: “Sorry, the instructor waited for a while, I went in to see what happened.”

It’s not a move, and Ye Jian, who is not a retreat, immediately laughed and said: “Well, don’t worry.”

Her bedroom is on the fourth floor, and the fourth, fifth and sixth rooms are all freshmen’s bedroom. Ye Jian, who is in charge of dinner time, is standing in the doorway of the fourth floor bedroom with a mascot, and there are girls. I probed a head from my bedroom and flew back and forth…

“That… hello, are you… military training instructor?”

The mascot Ye Jian stood for about two minutes. The girl with the daring point came over. I was very embarrassed to ask, “It should be the instructor responsible for our military training, is it… our class?”

After that, I was afraid that Ye Jian would misunderstand. “This bedroom, our class, the two girls in our class, have not lived.”

Under the engineering, the “Surveying and Mapping Project” girls have always been few, and it is basically the highest index that can make up ten girls.

Responsible for which Ban Yejian will not tell in advance, smile and answer, “I am responsible for the new military training instructors, but whether it is responsible for the military training of your class, it is still unclear.”

“Really a military training instructor!”

Ye Jian opened his mouth and seemed to give the other party a great courage. Just a small voice suddenly became bigger, and Ye Jian was scared to miss the heartbeat.

“We have just followed you all the way, thinking about whether you are a military instructor, how to have such a beautiful instructor, really beautiful and beautiful…”

If his politeness will lead to five or six girls, Ye Jian feels that even if he continues to be a silent mascot, he will not speak.

The freshmen of Xiangda are too enthusiastic. You need me to take turns to answer.

Image, we must pay attention to the image, can not give the troops a face, can not give the military school shame!

The first time in the military uniform was surrounded by the leaves of Jane, silently recited, and smiled to answer the questions of girls.

Hahaha, these little goblins who believe in military training have deep feelings.

Some university instructors will arrive one day in advance, while others will arrive early in the morning on the day of military training. The instructor in the dormitory will be treated as a mascot on the first day.

The monthly ticket, should be aided to go, we see you at night.

(End of this chapter)

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