Chapter 4599, don’t look at me.

The male instructors came back in the mouth of the boys, and only the female instructors were quite mysterious. They learned that the female instructors were beautiful and star-like. The boys who want to move are still wanting to have dinner, but they don’t know women. The instructor walked which way to go, and the result was not encountered.

Continue to maintain the mystery until … the opening ceremony kicked off, seeing thirty-six instructors standing at the forefront of all the new students, looking across the line, side looking into the line, simply let the standing freshmen look no less than a few seconds I will aim at the instructors.

Of course, the most instructed is the female instructor, standing with his hands on his back, hiding the straight legs in the camouflage uniform and widening the shoulders, tightening the belt around the waist, and the waist is full of grievances… Let the boys of science and engineering learn I can’t help but wonder how much her waist is.

The back is also straight and straight, like the pines that grow in the sunshine, the wind and rain are not folded, the proud snow is unyielding, and the temperament is good enough to make people look at one eye.

After watching it for a long time, it can be seen that the female instructor’s gas field is stronger than the thirty-five male instructors. There is also a kind of fear that she can’t look directly at her head. It seems that she will stare at the second one, and she will immediately turn her head and look at it accurately. Who is watching her.

Looking at the back of Ye Jian, the inexplicable fear is the boy who is very close to her. The boy who is far away feels that the female instructor is very slender and the rest…has no feeling at all.

Just look at it, listen, until the end of the camp for an hour and a half, until the instructors of each class lead the team to leave.

Now I heard the male singer’s snoring, the new student who was stunned by the male instructor, and then looked at the class that had not been acted upon. The class led by the only female instructor added a lot of envy.

“Why are we not female instructors, why are we male instructors. Male instructors are too scary, I want to go, I want to go…”

“There is no movement in their class. The female instructor looks like a good temper, and I want to go.”

“Don’t stop talking, our freshmen are still lucky! All the military school students give us training, and the branch is much worse!”

There are more than 3,000 freshmen this year in Hunan University. There are more than 1,300 military trainings in this department, and there are more than 2,000 in the division. The new military training of the Ministry is held by the 36 national military students of the National Science and Technology University and more than 2,000 students. Soldiers were sent by the Xiangcheng Armed Forces, and the two military trainings were held simultaneously.

The boys who were flustered by the male instructor’s cold voices thought about the new students in the division, and they were always balanced.

Well, their instructors are all military students, and they are also college students…

The enviable “Surveying and Mapping Project” is very happy. The students gradually cannot even maintain the basic formation. The leaf Jane standing in front has already observed. At the same time, the smiling smile is slowly converging. The dark black enamel under the cap and hat has the light of cold Ling Ling.

Huang Yawen, who was standing in the last row of the girls, accidentally and Ye Jian’s line of sight came to an intimate confluence. Suddenly, Huang Yawen, who called the king to play the little clever, stood in the big sun and slammed the excitement.

“Don’t look at me, don’t look at me, don’t look at me… I didn’t talk, I didn’t talk, they were talking nonsense, don’t look at me, don’t look at me…”

She silently smashed and mourned, and silently lowered her eyes. If her mother saw that she would be surprised, she couldn’t believe that the three-year-old child in her relatives had to let her baby daughter be honestly like a white rabbit. There is no arrogant attack power in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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