Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4600 - Inexplicable fear

Chapter 4600 is inexplicably afraid

Huang Yawen just said that she was gently moving her mouth. She thought that Ye Jian couldn’t hear what she said. In fact, she still didn’t know through her mouth-shaped leaf.

Since last night, the female tyrant has been very honest, good, shocking played a role.

Ye Jian did not know that when her eyes were cold, the murderous secrets hidden in the depths of the black and secluded scorpion were swept away, and there was a hint of it.

Huang Yawen, who studies Sanda, is no stranger to this murderousness. Therefore, Huang Yawen, who has been a female tyrant from primary school to high school, has become the first freshman in the class who is most afraid of Ye Jian.

Tao Yi, who did not say the last half of the sentence with Ye Jian, did not feel it for a while, but he soon felt that something was wrong.

The female instructor in front of the station had a slight smile. Now the smile disappears, and the cold cold looks like the snow drifting in the winter. Although it is beautiful, it may be cold enough to make people feel cold in the hot days.

“Don’t talk, stand up quickly.” Tao Yi whispered, “The instructor seems to be a little angry, and he is standing still.”

The first thing that didn’t move was the head row. They were closest to Ye Jian, and they were able to see the changes in Ye Jian’s face more clearly. The beautiful instructors who didn’t laugh, used the gas field to make them gradually dare not talk again.

There was no sound in the front row, and there was no sound in the affected second row. Gradually, the tension that didn’t know where to come from was over the entire class, like a transparent net to keep everyone tight and let them Gradually, I didn’t dare to talk indiscriminately.


The soles of the shoes were ground with cement, and the team that had been distort the song didn’t know who was up, and gradually became straighter and straighter. Gradually, they unconsciously straightened their waists, closed their mouths, and looked at the front. The non-verbal female instructor has been flustered in her heart.

The female instructor in charge of military training felt that… some of them were not quite right. She laughed and she did not laugh at her. The former made them feel no pressure, the latter… how to make them feel flustered.

Ye Jian, who had been silent for ten minutes, finally moved. She walked closer to the class and stood at a position less than one meter away from the head. The line of sight slowly and slowly, sweeping everyone like Jianguang. The face, the heat of the cold, broke into the hearts of the new students, and when the 43 trained freshmen panicked, they began to fear.

Changed, changed, their female instructor changed!

It’s completely changed to another person, a person who makes them feel bad!

“My surname is Ye, single name is simple, simple Jane, you can call me Ye instructor. You are responsible for the military training for the next ten days.”

The voice of Qing Ling Ling broke through. The new students remembered Ye Jian’s name and remembered her cold and cold voice.

Come, come, it’s not a good feeling, and it’s coming soon.

My request is not high, first, obey orders; must not defy. Second, obey the arrangement, and must not defy; third, obey the discipline, and must not defy; fourth, refer to the first, second, and third articles if there is any objection. ”

The sound of the sound of the earth and the sound of the sound is clearly transmitted. There is no room for negotiation, and the two requirements of obeying the order and obeying will be implemented.

“Now name, whoever I call, who will scream “to”, do not have to come out, stand in the same place to answer.”

From the pockets of the camouflage training uniforms, the name of the forty-three students is on the list of forty-three students. The name of the person and the name is one.

(End of this chapter)

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