Chapter 4621 Heat wave

Once again, Tao Yi’s eyes changed. At this time, he was Tao Yi who fought for the name on the field. He wanted to win. If he wanted to win, he must defeat the opponent!

Ye Jianting admired the classmates of Tao Yi, who rushed to the top, never gave up, and saw that his leg speed was much faster, and he knew that he began to do his best.

And she…has almost seen Tao Yi’s tricks, and it’s her turn to shoot.

“Tao Yi, have a good time with me, don’t stay private.” Before I started, Ye Jian smiled and reminded me, reminded, not waiting for Tao Yi to answer, her counterattack began.

Compared with Tao Yi’s kick, Ye Jian’s strength and kicking strength, even the layman can see the strength.

“Wow, Ye’s instructor is handsome. There are really no other instructors! Mom, my heart, my little heart, fast, quick and helpless, can’t stand it, it’s about to explode!”

“Roller, don’t block my eyes!”

“Shuai, so handsome! What to do, I really want to chase the instructor!”

“Get out of the way, you are still a little bit worse.”

In the snow-white headlights, Ye Jian’s figure is like a clear sword from the scabbard, wrapped in a sweeping momentum, and it seems to have seen the ending.

Tao Yi was shocked. He was scared by Ye Jian’s eyes.

“After the end, the quasi-losing, the quasi-losing. I did not expect our instructors to be hidden, can not see is a master.”

“If you lose, you lose, leisure and entertainment. Don’t be too relieved, you see, even the rest of the idea is not said now. Yes, the rest.”

The rest of the plan pulled out a stiff smile. “Yeah, lose and lose, lose to the instructor is not shameful, right.”

He has long since ignored the hope that Tao Yi can win.

“Yeah, no shame, I don’t care about winning or losing now. I only care about how our leaf instructors are so handsome! Hurry, look, vacate, I rely! Really vacant!”

In the field, Ye Jian no longer tempted the depths but attacked.

Tao Yi can get the runner-up, the body is really good, the speed and strength are very accurate, and then her tricks are all tricks, the shots are only for the sake of life, Tao Yi is even more flexible, for her who has found the flaws No threats.

Of course, she can’t deal with a student who is facing the enemy to deal with a student, just to learn!

Two consecutive side kicks, and the second side kick, Tao Yi’s legs were swept by her, and the tall and big boys were stumbled again.

“I am going! The instructor has also stumbled Tao Yi!” The boys who spoke were full of shocks, and their eyes were staring at another domineering figure, and they were amazed. “It’s really amazing, very handsome. This is the most handsome and beautiful girl I have ever seen!”

The screams of the girls rang again, and the sound was more enthusiasm and enthusiasm. It forced the other instructors to take a few more steps back, so that the eardrum could be less guilty.

Tao Yi, who had swept down, did not immediately admit defeat. He also wanted to struggle to get up. He had to clamp his hands like iron pliers. The more he struggled, the tighter the lock, and finally the shoulder ribs were locked.

“One, two, three… eight, nine, ten! Time is up! The instructor wins!”

This time, the presiding teacher came to report, and after ten newspapers, Ye Jian immediately released Tao Yi’s hands, and the off-site… and boiled boiling water, all boiled.

“Ah! Ah, instructor! Look here, I love you! Ye Instructor!”

“Leaf instructor, you are so handsome! You are the most handsome instructor I have ever seen!”

“Leaf instructor, you are amazing!”

(End of this chapter)

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