Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4622 - Not satisfied with service, service!

Chapter 4622 is not acceptable, service!

The teacher who presided over also shouted, “That’s your dissatisfaction!”

“Serve!” is very unified.

“I don’t admit defeat!”


“Don’t dare to challenge the instructor in the future!”

“Don’t dare!”

The teacher who was presiding again asked, “That is better than no!”


“No more!”

This time, the caliber is not uniform.

In the screams, Ye Jian smiled at Tao Yi: “The strength is great, I was almost broken by you, but I am prepared in advance.”

Tao Yi, who knows the strength gap, is prepared to lose, but the result is really more or less lost. He is somewhat embarrassed to scratch his head. “Sorry, the instructor is I will delay your time.”

“No, I also want to learn from you. And, you are very good, but I am not the same as your path. I believe you can see some clues.”

This is true, Tao Yi thought of the eyes that had just scared himself, and now I think again, my heart is full of embarrassment. That kind of look, really… If he had seen it before, he would never ask to discuss it with the instructor.

Just relying on his eyes will make him retreat.

The third round does not have to be compared. The result has already come out. It is better to order other entertainment programs. The instructor whispered a few words with the teacher who presided over. Ye Jian and Tao Yi returned in the bursts of cheers. class.

At this moment, Ye Jian really felt how enthusiastic the students were, and the line of sight was so hot that she would soon be cooked.

Back to the class and received unprecedented welcome, Ye Jianxiao Yingying said: “Students, the next nine days of military training, you have no conditions to ask me, and I will not agree to any of your conditions.”

“Military training is a national defense education. There is no lazy way to say that there are no shortcuts. I hope that you can remember. I hope that the ten-day military training will bring you different experiences, even if the future will be magnificent, military training will always be It is the most beautiful scenery that you will never forget in your memories.”

“And you are also the most beautiful scenery that will never be erased in my military career.”

“Leaf instructor, you are now the most beautiful scenery in the hearts of all of us!” The sweet boy shouted out loud, so the students shouted together.

Ye Jian reveals the purest smile, and the bright teeth are like the most beautiful moon in the sky.

An instant laughter became the most beautiful scenery in the classmates’ minds. Later, some people saw the admiral who awarded the highest medal of the military from the TV. They also recognized that the general was their military instructor.

With this discussion, the students who were restless in the class took up their minds and dared not to tease the instructors again. Especially when they returned to the bedroom at night, they heard the evening instructors holding the drainage pipe from the fourth floor for a few seconds. On the first floor, the thief was tripped for three seconds, and the awe of the fire made them afraid to move.

Even the students with other classes have become very honest and dare not be too naughty.

After Tao Yi listened, after a long time, he said: “If I knew it, I would definitely not compare with the leaf instructor.”

With the rest of the bedroom, I struggled for a long time. I told my story to the whole bedroom, in exchange for the long silence of the boys in the bedroom. Finally, I ended up with a word of “dependency” tonight.

I knew that I knew that they would definitely not launch Tao Yi to the game!

“Do you know? Huang Yawen was the only classmate who opposed you and Ye instructor at the time. You said, did she know something?”

Before the lights went out, a boy said lowly. “Otherwise, when we were looking for her, how could she resist it?”

Oh, good night, the final exam is over, and the half-month evening is finally over, and I feel like I have another final exam.

(End of this chapter)

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