Chapter 4630 is different

I got a reply from the previous ones. I was disappointed with a long sigh. When I wanted to say something more, a boy who went to change the hip-hop costume ran over, panting and screaming with the mysterious excitement of the silk god, shouting ” The instructor, and said to the students: “Brothers and sisters, there will be a big surprise waiting for you tonight! I will ask the instructor to go to a place, then you will talk!”

“Remember, there is a huge surprise today, you will definitely scream!”

Oh, I am already excited.

“Instructor, the instructor of the company asks you to go over and say that something needs to be discussed with you.” The boys took Ye Jian in the eyes of all the students, leaving no programs, pure audience students have whispered, guess what will be Surprise.

“Meng Meng, what are you planning with me? You are the squad leader I personally chose, and I can’t take care of my instructor.”

On the way, Ye Jian began to ask the male Meng Meng, trying to know in advance what the so-called “surprise” is.

Intuition tells her that this surprise… has a great relationship with her!

A group of instructors, a comrade-in-arms Song Zhiqiu, is it difficult to be a “surprise” with him? Or is it his plan?

Meng Meng laughed at the thief, tall and thin, the boys who danced the street dance secretly kept secrets, and shook his head: “I don’t know, instructor, you will know when you go.”

“I really don’t know? Oh, I know this surprise has a relationship with me. If you come to inform me, why don’t you know?”

“I really don’t know, I am responsible for passing a message, but I don’t know anything else. Instructor, I am a dumb now, I don’t know.”

Song Jiaoguan, don’t be swayed by their leaf instructors, because she is very clever, and the surprises they have planned will be guessed by her.

Keep in mind that Meng Meng of Song Qiuqiu decided to start dumb from this second!

Ye Jianyi listened, smiled and laughed and did not chase after asking.

If she chases after asking, there is always a way to find out what a “surprise” is.

Passing through the playground, bypassing a blue playground, and then walking through a tree-lined tree line on both sides, finally arriving at the destination.

Xiangdu, a club activity center, here is the secret base of the quartet practice.

The activity center belongs to the red brick exterior wall of the 1980s. There is no painted building and it has a certain sense of time. But the interior is re-decorated early and modern.

Stepping up the stairs, just on the second floor, I heard the powerful sounds of the sounds, and the leaves were simple, and the black scorpion, which just had a smile, sank at a speed visible to the naked eye, like the unfathomable sea. Staring for a long time, it can be seen that it can not be erased, making people feel distressed.

Ten ambush…

She heard the songs played inside, and their “surprise” is it. They want to let her dance again “ten ambush”, which turned out to be the surprise of the instructors to the students.


Ye simply closed his eyes and pressed a few tears that he wanted to take out.

This is her “deep ambush” for the commemoration of the comrade-in-arms J5. It is not a surprise, but the sorrow that hurts even in her heart.

Meng Meng, who was half a step behind, found out that he even saw the fragility on his instructor’s face and saw … sadness.

What’s going on here?

“Leaf instructor, you…”

The male student opened his mouth and wanted to ask what was wrong, but he was keenly aware that even if he asked, the instructor who had sorrow and sorrow in front of him would not answer it truthfully.

“Nothing, let’s go.”

(End of this chapter)

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