Who is Chapter 4631?

The leaves were slightly licked at the corners of the mouth, and the chin was lifted a little more, and the sour cockroaches that suddenly burst out of the eyes were pressed down. The sound of the feathers suddenly came, and Meng Meng’s heart was ruthless, and the cockroaches trembled.

Why are their instructors sorrowful because of “the ambush?”

Depressing my doubts, Meng Meng did not dare to speak, and even his expression could not be solemn.

Pushing the door, the “ten ambush” of the songs came to the face, the soldiers who died in the battlefield lost their eyes, lost their lives with mourning, the living soldiers raised their rifles and shouted, once again, They fought for the country, fought for their homeland, and fought for the peace of the country.

This is the case with soldiers in ancient times, as well as the current soldiers.

The “ten-face ambush” was played by the pipa. After four performances, the students were still the main ones. Guzheng, Changchun and Erhu were the supplements, and the four-player played differently.

“The students in your class are too difficult. I have to tell them what performances you will have. Three years in the same class, I have only seen your performance only once. It is enough to be shocking and memorable.”

“If you don’t want to dance again, we can cancel it directly.”

Song Zhiqiu, who was worried about her eyes, looked at Ye Jian quietly, and even the voice could not be lowered a lot.

Just now, Meng Meng said that she heard “the ambush on the ten sides”, and suddenly there was sadness on her face, which made his heart suddenly sink.

Is this song “the ambush on the ten sides” have another meaning for Ye Jian?

For a long time, Ye Jian sighed lightly. “The reason why the last time did not refuse Xu Wen to dance on the stage, is to squat for a sacrificed comrade.”

Song Zhiqiu’s sudden shock, even his eyes are full of shock, dancing for a sacrificed comrade?


Why didn’t he know?

No, how could he know?

Ye Jian has many secrets that they can’t see through, and they don’t know. From every year, they take a few days off from time to time. In the winter and summer vacations, they lose contact with their comrades in the whole class… As can be seen from all kinds, Ye Jian has other arrangements.

Sacrifice comrades… Ye Jian, what did you do in the days of your disappearance?

“Sorry, I should have asked you before you are right.” When he spoke again, Song Zhiqiu’s voice dried up and he knew that he had made a very stupid decision.

It is equivalent to re-opening the scars in Ye Jian’s heart, letting her **** face again.

Ye Jane smiled lightly, her ears swayed, and her clear watery eyes were faint gray. “Nothing, dance, dance, nothing…”

Song Zhiqiu pressed his mouth and persuaded him to remain fruitless.

On the other hand, a facial features are sweet, wearing a tie-colored off-the-shoulder dress, and one of the hosts of the evening party, Xiang Dasan’s three sisters took a look at the show and silently read the host line for tonight. The partner laughed: “Which program do you expect?”

The white shirt, black suit, handsome male host smiled and said: “The ambush is the only female instructor.”

“Isn’t that not necessarily playing?”

“Just the program group told me that the female instructor agreed. You will come down this afternoon, and you must take a good look at the only female instructor, very beautiful.”

The male host is also a student of Xiangda University. He and the female host have been working together since the freshman year.

“I have heard you say countless, and, please don’t say that another girl is pretty in front of me, okay? It hurts.” The hostess smiled and blinked and was still packing her partner. A few eyes, jokingly said: “Do you still want to chase the female instructor?”

“Ha ha ha, can’t catch up. She is the southern province of China like you, Wang Rui, your girl in the southern province is too difficult to chase!”

Wang Rui, a native of South Province, is still a classmate of Ye Jian’s high school.

(End of this chapter)

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