Chapter 4562 Friendship

If this winter holiday is based on the previous practice, Ye Jian should be the busiest, but this year is different, she has become able to go home early for vacation, and she has already booked the ticket, and flew back to Beijing at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. in.

He Jing didn’t stay in school, but she needed to follow the instructor’s tolerance and come back to write a report. It takes about ten days before and after.

On the morning of the next day, the two men sent Ye Jian to the school gate and got off the bus. Looking at the airport bus far away, Xu Wen said with emotion: “I was the first time I sent Ye Jian to the car to go home. She used to be silent. It’s not clear that she left school.

“When I have been busy for so long, she should have a light holiday.” He Jing, who sent Ye Jian home for the first time, sighed lightly and looked at the traffic coming and going. When he spoke again, the voice was full. Hey, “When the winter holiday is over, I will enter the last semester. In April, I will finally have a big assessment. Then I will be May Day. After May 1st, I will be coming in June… Let’s go to work.”

Speaking of Xu Wen’s mood is somewhat low, the toes gently kicked the low cylindrical road, and for a long time only sighed and said, “Have you ever thought about the postgraduate? Kaobo?”

He Jingyi stunned and shook his head. “No, my family conditions don’t allow me to continue reading. I graduated and obey the arrangement.” Weidun, like what I thought, the voice was a little small and asked: “You are so planning? Why didn’t you listen before?” What do you say?”

“Song Zhiqiu suggested that I take a postgraduate course, until I went to Cobo, my family… It is also so hopeful. I have not thought about it before, and now I suggest both sides, some heartbeat.”

“Song Qiuqiu? What plans does he have?”

“Along with the postgraduate study, I am like this, and I am heartbroken.”

“What do you think about it? Of course! Together, read Bo, how good! As long as the conditions permit, you can continue your studies. You don’t have to think about it, I feel very good.” He Jing laughed, single-skinned woman Although the soldiers usually like to pick Xu Wen’s thorns, they are also very good at Xu Wen. “As long as the family supports, there is no worries, you can really continue your studies.”

“Do you have any concerns? Do you think you can’t test it? Lose your face?”


Xu Wen silently looked at the violent comrades in the eye, the eyes of the resentment, so that He Jing was not very kindly laughed, “ha ha ha, really told me? Hahaha, you are also afraid of shame! Is it better to read Bo’s Song Zhiqiu?”

“Leave some face, brother, I am tired enough during this time, you still make fun of me.” Xu Wenyi rolled his eyes. “Laughter again, we still have to make friends.”

It’s impossible to break the ball. After he laughed and laughed, he cleared his throat and raised his hand and patted the shoulders of his comrades who had no confidence in the postgraduate reading. “Reassure, brother, there is Song Qiu, you can definitely test Since he is such a person, I dare you to come to the postgraduate exam, indicating that there is a detailed plan.”

“Insured, brother, began to join the postgraduate army, but you decided that it is late, you should start preparing for the junior year. Oh, yes, you are not together in the third year. All of them decided to take the postgraduate exam, not much. Time is ready for you… no wonder you have no confidence.”

“I still try it. If you don’t try, you can’t do it. If you can’t do it, if you take it? The time is very tight, you, let Song Zhiqiu take the time to prepare for the exam. Fortunately, you have little simple supervision in recent years, no drag. Back, it is still possible to sprint.”

(End of this chapter)

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