Chapter 4653 is not known

It is related to Xu Wen’s follow-up development. He Jing, who has never been a long-term comment, has said a bunch. “If you are young, you will definitely support you! If you really can’t decide if you want to call now, ask Xiaoxiaoer? You, It should be told last night that Xiaojianer can also give you some advice in person.”

Xu Wen also listened carefully and went in. “You all support me. It seems that you can try it. I will ask Xiao Jianer again.”

Say, take out the phone that I received only after I finished the exam yesterday, and pull out the phone book to call Ye Jian’s mobile phone.

The first call, busy, the second call is still busy, wait until Xu Wen thinks to call again, Ye Jian’s mobile phone directly shut down.

Xu Wen looked at the time of the mobile phone display, at 3:20 in the afternoon, it is reasonable to say that Ye Jian has already arrived in Beijing at this time, and the mobile phone should be turned on.

“How can I shut down? Nothing will happen.” She whispered a low sentence, and Song Zhiqiu, who was reading a book next to her, did not lift her head. “There may be delays due to the weather, and try again later. In the past, let her turn it on and call you back.”

Xu Wen listened and sent a text message to Ye Jian.

A few minutes later, at 7:00 in the evening, Xu Wen finally received a letter from Ye Jian. The content is very simple. “After arriving safely, the mobile phone is temporarily unavailable, and you can contact us if you have time.”

Xu Wen took a look at the inexplicable “squeaky” and handed the phone to Song Zhiqiu. “What do you mean? Going home, the phone is temporarily unavailable?”

Song Zhiqiu, who took the time to review the postgraduate materials with his girlfriend all day long, looked through the corners of his mouth. He smiled at the corner of his mouth and smiled. “There is no meaning. Whoever goes home is still staring at the mobile phone, definitely with his family. When she is free, she will naturally contact you, hey, don’t think about it, or take the time to sprint the postgraduate.”

Speaking, it is natural to reach out and confiscate Xu Wen’s mobile phone and put it in his pocket.

The phone is temporarily unavailable… It seems that Ye Jian is doing something that is unknown and full of danger.

It is not a “thing”, it should be a “task”.

They are still sprinting for the postgraduate entrance exam, and they will be confused for what units they will go to in the future, and Ye Jian, who is always at the forefront of all the trainees, will confirm his direction and adapt in advance.

Looking at the girlfriend who read the book seriously, Song Zhiqiu has a shallow smile in his eyes. Thanks to the fact that Ye Jian, who has plans for the future, has been watching Xu Wen, otherwise he will not propose a postgraduate entrance examination.

I hope she can come back safely, and her ability will surely return safely.

See you next year, comrades!

In the quiet library, some people worked hard to write for the future, and Ye Jian, who received a phone call and re-booked the ticket, had already taken a black car that was inconspicuous, except for her and the driver. There are two other people.

“This is the information of all the missing girls. All of them are out of school poverty and go out to work early. In March last year, the drug police intercepted a batch of new drugs, which is the beginning of the disappearance of this group of girls…”

The man sitting in the back seat handed a stack of information to Ye Jian, accompanied by several photos. “If it wasn’t for the girl’s family to report the case, no one was aware that there were so many girls missing, and the police did not investigate. It is very likely that their disappearance is controlled by transnational drug dealers. Until the drug police found a new clue last week, they only connected the two.”

During the day, Jane went to the airport and received a call from Major General Yang. The call changed in five minutes and changed from flying to Jingli to Yunyun.

La la la, good night, baby.

I made countless times of beautiful pictures today, and the results were all swallowed, so good!

(End of this chapter)

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