Chapter 4659 sweep

The anti-drug police officers who fight against the same leaf are not ordinary anti-drug policemen. They are all involved in the most dangerous front line. They are chasing the drug-stricken policemen running by drug dealers. They are all meritorious and hard-working.

Every fist of their fist, as long as they are picked up, must hurt the facial features on the spot, Ye Jian is no exception, the back is smashed by a poisonous policeman in the back, and the voice of the blind man is low. The sound of the leaf Jane is planted in front.

The front of a vicious policeman was more lightning-fast, and the same long legs were lifted with the wind and the leaves that had been planted in front of him.

If this time is smashed, Ye Jian will be re-entered and retreated, and then be smashed by the vicious police behind him.

It’s really awkward to death, no mercy, no show, all of them come up with the fierceness of the drug dealers, a trick to deal with Ye Jian.

They must do this, find out if the female soldier is feasible, and then decide whether to continue.

It’s a slap in the face, it’s absolutely impossible.

If it will be in the past, the tragedy of two years ago may repeat itself, so it is absolutely impossible to repeat the tragedy!

The back hurts, and even the chest that swells in the chest and blood sees the chest and then sees the chest again. In an instant, her legs slammed into the long legs, and the black scorpion swelled and smashed to the feet. She finally regained her focus, grabbed her legs and stabilized her body. At the same time, she walked in vain and stepped forward. The whole person went straight to the vicious policeman and ran into it…

The one-legged one was kept by the leaf, and the vicious policeman who could not break free changed his face. The other one who was the center of gravity could attack the leaf Jane who had hit the whole force. The whole person was turned over by Ye Jian.


The overturned anti-drug policeman slammed into the ground and slammed down. Ye Jian did not loosen his leg. The eyes blushed to her blood-filled one, and she sat on the knee of the vicious policeman. The hands were not forced to let go. Long legs go back outside…


This is not a general pain, it hurts to the police officer who snorted and hurt.

“I admit defeat, I admit defeat, and then go out, my right leg should also be scrapped for three months.” Do not want to come to a broken poison police to immediately admit defeat, for fear that they will say a second late, the eyes of the red military school will really Wasted his right leg.

Ye Jiansong’s hand, and then he got up and got up. The sharp edge of the dagger in his hand was facing outwards. The blade pointed to the elbow and paralleled the wrist. The eyes with the stunned eyes stared at the other four vicious policemen. In an offensive position, just as four anti-drug police thought she would attack, Ye Jian suddenly came to a big turn and ran directly to the entrance to the stairs leading to the second floor.

She needs to go to the second floor, and these anti-drug police will stop her from going to the second floor. So, can she think that she only has to go to the second floor, even if she has passed this level?

The thought flashed, and Ye Jian immediately paid for the action. A virtual attack distracted the attention of the four anti-drug policemen. Another sudden change made the four anti-drug police unprepared, thus achieving her true purpose.

The speed of her rushing out was very fast. The four vicious police officers only felt the illusion in front of them. The military school students who had just stood in front of them had already gone to the entrance of the stairs.

“Block her!”

The four-year-old poison police who flashed a little wrong in the eyes were quickly caught up!

“It’s a rabbit, fast enough!”

“Good skills, better than the anniversary.”

(End of this chapter)

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