Chapter 4660 Twilight

The vicious police officer who went out was laughing and laughing. Although he was beaten, he was really happy.

The scorpion policeman who had been pressed by the leaf with a dagger and even the neck was scratched by the leaf was touched and touched the neck of the sorrowful pain. He whispered to the colleague: “I have a hunch, this time I am looking for the right person. It is.”

“The force is very strong, the time to solve our two is also very short, the skill is very flexible, the judgment is sharp… It is indeed better than the previous few people.” The drug policeman who was almost abandoned by Ye Jian’s right leg was not as optimistic as his colleagues, and his brow was locked. He listened to the messy footsteps, and another fight, the voice pressed, and said: “Only after the last level, I know if it is qualified.”

“I hope to be qualified, I hope I can make my head satisfied.”

After that, his eyes fell to the “British Wall”, and the heavy sight did not need to be searched. At first glance, he fell to the black and white photo of a policewoman.

The policewoman in the photo is as serious as all the comrades who sacrificed. The corners of her mouth are slightly stunned, and her eyes are sharp and straight ahead. She is the female policeman who died two years ago and has not found her body.

There are rumors that her body has been eaten by tigers fed by poisonous cockroaches.

She is the 16th martyr who can’t find her body even in her body. It is also the most tragic martyr in recent years. It has become the pain of the entire anti-drug squad, and it has become the pain of their leader Deng team.

Another anti-drug police also fell into the “British Wall” along the line of sight. The two stood quietly and watched quietly. The time condensed with sorrow, prompting the eyes to have a faint glow of water.

All the black and white photos in the photo wall were taken on the first day of the job, so everyone’s expressions were exactly the same, serious and unrestricted.

The first day they entered the anti-drug brigade was the first photo. They must wear police uniforms and a police cap. The nerves must be serious and there must be no smile.

In fact, when they are on the first day of their employment, they will take pictures. No matter how good they are at the time, they will become silent and serious after listening to the reasons for taking pictures.

Because, this photo is both their entry ID and will be their photo one day.

No one can laugh and take the job photo with a complex and awe-inspiring mood.

Quietly watching the battles that once worked together, now only the photos of the comrades, the two anti-drug police have been standing like this, if no one is bothered, they can stand up to dawn.

When I rushed to the second floor, Ye Jian raised the foot of a chasing police officer who was chasing him down. The originally dark office building was brightly lit, all the lights were on, and the white lights were not illuminated. Dark corners.

The drug policeman who was downstairs by Ye Jianqi grabbed the handrail with one hand, which was able to stabilize the body without planting it. Otherwise, he planted it and ordered a green onion.

The captain Deng of the Cheer City Drug Enforcement Brigade picked up the police uniform jacket that was off the side. When he was wearing a face, he was first taken back by Ye Jianyi to the office in the office: “Go, go and see.”

“It’s half way ahead of schedule and it seems that it will produce results tonight.”

At the same time, the opposite office door was opened. Two vicious police officers came out and saw Deng Chang. They said, “He head, she went to the second floor.”

The Deng team looked up and bowed slightly. “Well, go up, go, go and see.”

(End of this chapter)

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