Chapter 4664 adopted

Faced with the arrow-like cold sight of the subordinates, Yang Shao, who sat down, twisted the thermos cup at the open table, drank the warm water and pressured it, and then said: “There is no yellow, I also want the small leaf this winter holiday can be at home, but There is a task that needs her.”

“What mission?” Xia Jinyuan, who has tightened his eyebrows, has sunk. He never asked the military for any requirements. This time, he hopes that his little fox will join her snowy brigade before the last winter vacation. Accompany Mr. Fu.

Before leaving, Major Yang nodded and promised. Now, the little fox is now going to perform the task.

The hoarse voice slid across the ground like thick ice, causing a chill. “What missions need her to come out? The mission in our team?”

“This is confidential, you have no right to know. Moreover, Xiaoye is not currently a regular member of the Snowy Brigade, and her going to you has no right to know.”

“Okay, I will hand over the chip to the relevant department immediately. I am tired of seeing you. I will go back to rest first. I still need to deal with things in my hand. You have to be okay…”

Pulling the drawer open, Yang Shao took out his private car key and threw it on the desk. “Car key, mine, you are free.”

This is anxious to send away Xia Jinyuan.

no way!

Xia’s kid, the soldier below him, he still doesn’t understand?

Asked again, his leader is afraid that he still can’t play a soldier!

Xia Jinyuan, who did not immediately get the car keys, held his desk at his desk. The tall and tall body slowly poured over Yang Shao’s side, and looked at his old leader with a sharp look. The twilight of the twilight is a cold color that makes Yang Shao’s heart tremble.


The car key was dragged across the desk and the sound of Yang Shao’s eyelids leaped and jumped. He waited for him to say “rudeness” and stared at the kid’s mouth. He finally picked up the car key and smiled. ……gone.

What specific task Yang did not tell, Xia Jinyuan naturally has no right to ask, and Yang said that Ye Jian has not officially become a member of the Snowy Brigade. Her visit has no right to know, nor is he wrong.

Therefore, Xia Jinyuan, who engraved the “military obedience to the command of the servant” in the bones, was suffocated by the words of Yang Shaojian in his throat, and he did not ask again.

Oh, not her captain?

After this year, when I arrive in June next year, he is not only her captain, but also her man!

Handing over some of the information in his hand, Xia Jinyuan, who did not sleep after performing a task outside, directly drove Yang’s personal private car to his single apartment in Beijing to give himself a good sleep, as for his little fox. Where… he will know.

The special forces of the Snowy Brigade go out to perform high-intensity tasks. If there are no urgent tasks or important things to deal with after returning, there will usually be three days of adjustment leave to ensure that all aspects of the soldiers return to normal and reach a degree of relaxation.

Xia Jinyuan was indeed tired, and fell to a bed that had not been in the bed for a long time. In a three-minute period, a young black soldier entered the deep sleep.

Ye Jian, who is far away from Yunnan Province, has completed the last “disguise” assessment. From the bus station in Cheri City, she encountered three waves of anti-drug police check-ups before and after, and no one recognized that she was a military school student, and no one Look for a girl who is refreshing, gentle, and temperamental.

(End of this chapter)

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