Chapter 4665 is mixed

The car slowly drove out of the city to the border between the two countries through the checkpoint, about 500 meters away. Ye simply let the driver stop, saying that her passport needs to be taken to the hotel. The driver does not wait for the driver. The throttle went away.

Ye Jian slowly walked toward the checkpoint. On the other side, the dark-faced Deng captain stared at the cold and stared at the two anti-drug police officers who had just checked in on the car. He stared at the two vicious police trembles. “Just, you confirmed the car. There are no suspicious people, suspicious items?”

The three consecutive wave of anti-drug police did not find the military school students who disguised themselves in the car and possessed poisonous goods. The face of Captain Deng was so good!

Today, Captain Deng seriously suspects that none of his subordinates’ work is in a state, or that they have seen the other person’s beautiful appearance and casually passed!

Ye Jian walked through the checkpoint and didn’t stop. He just used the light to squint at the captain Deng, who was training. The pace was a little short, but he walked calmly through the checkpoint.

Outside, she certainly did not have any communication with Captain Deng. She went back about 500 meters and walked to a cake spot designated by Captain Deng. While eating the cake, she waited for Captain Deng to come over.

At the checkpoint, two vicious police officers who checked the car but found no doubts were unable to lift their heads and they couldn’t lift them. They really didn’t pay attention to the beautiful girls on the car. They also looked over and did not I found that the passengers who had a bad look on the car also checked the baggage that they thought was suspicious. The drug dog did not find anything wrong. How did their head bite the suspicious person on the car?

“Head, it’s not a solution for you to go down like this, let us catch up and re-examine and bring the suspicious people out.”

Around, the squad leader of the checkpoint whispered that he really thought so. Since I know that there are suspicious people in the car, what is the use of here?

It must be ran first to get people out and come back to make punishment.

Captain Deng screamed and chased after, and everyone got off the bus!

Sen cold’s sight swept through several anti-drug policemen standing in front of him, saying in a word: “This is the last checkpoint of drug traffickers leaving our country to be under the jurisdiction of our anti-drug police. Today, your freedom, Give them the opportunity to bring poison back to the country next time! All of you must be carefully checked, and you must not let go of every suspicious target, and you can’t let it go! Don’t hear it!”


Several anti-drug police officers were straightforward and directly criticized by their captains. They are the last national guards and never let go of any suspicious target is their job!

Captain Deng did not say much more. He took a look at the direction of the cake shop and turned to the subordinates who had been reprimanded by himself: “There was a disguised comrade left in the vehicle. She had suspicious items on her body, and no one noticed. No one has questioned her identity to her, and the reconnaissance ability needs to be strengthened!”

Not only did they not see it, but the two waves of anti-drug police did not see it in the past. I thought that the three waves of people did not see the camouflage of Ye Jian, and Deng’s heart was really not a taste.

Both are happy and mixed.

The good news is… Finally, a female soldier passed all their assessments. They finally found the undercover that is most suitable for entering the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle. The worry is that… the three waves of anti-drug police have not detected her suspiciousness, is there more? Suspicious people with strong psychological qualities escaped under their eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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