Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 4698 - Heart has justice

Chapter 4698, the heart has justice

As a result, I didn’t want to threaten her life, but let her stand at the entrance just to let one person in, to scatter the vertical holes that make people vomit, and the pretty snake-like woman gently touched the leaves and the neck. Gently, cool smile: “Do you want to live?”

It is Chinese.

Ye Jian certainly wants to live. She nodded and answered. There was a horror on the face that made the woman “giggle”. In the middle of the night, the darkness was like the dark forest of the entrance to hell. The woman’s laughter was distinct and delicate, but it was heart-warming. The fear is gloomy.

“You want to oh, my, my favorite child. As for the unruly child…” The second second was still laughing, only to say, the next second suddenly died and pressed Ye Jian’s neck, forced Ye Jian nodded The darkness did not bottom out, and it was seen by the stinking hole.

I swept the light from the nearby flashlight to illuminate the hole that seemed to be bottomless. The sinister leaves showed a clear hole and deepened, and the pupil tightened instantly…


The sour water in the stomach, the bitter water in the gallbladder rushed out of the throat, and the leaves squirted.

Not because of fear, but because of the swearing of the hills, the shadows and the mind are severely damaged. All the reactions are concentrated and reflected to the stomach. There is no way to control the reaction in the body and vomit directly.

In the dark hole, Baisen is so tired, even… there are still non-rotted limbs.

“The leaflet, this world is darker than we think. You have to remember that the darkness is terrible. The terrible clarity is the representative of justice, but it ignores the darkness and allows it to breed. That is the real terrible.”

The world is really darker than she thought, even more terrible, even if she went to the battlefield with blood, seeing all kinds of things in front of me also makes the back burst into cold.

How many people are buried below? How many people are killed in their hands?

How dark is the human heart, how bad will it be?

Will “bad” end?

The leaves that are vomiting to the stomach are sore that the tears in the eyes are irritating. Will there be an end to “bad”? I am afraid there is no end.

The woman’s cool and cool laughter kept resounding in the ear. For a few nights, Ye Jian would wake up from the nightmare. For several nights, she could still hear the laughter of the woman, shady, cold, and human.

Why is the Chinese anti-drug police vowed to die with the Golden Triangle drug dealers? Why do they know that there are many dangerous roads ahead? Maybe one day they will stay in the team forever, but they will continue to move forward and continue to fight for the darkness… …

That pile of white bones is the best answer.

Because the heart has justice!

That is to say, Ye Jian knows that this woman is training all the teachers who turn the girl. In the following days, she has been trained in the hands of the snake woman.

The days of training were quite tormented, and the girls who were closed up ended up only… The three men collapsed, and two of them disappeared silently.

The first thing that disappeared was the girl who had lost the rice, and later the sister of the sister disappeared. It was still there that night, and they had never seen them the next morning.

My sister cried and asked, in exchange for a beating, and told her that she wanted to see her sister. It would be best to be honest and obedient.

Where did the two disappeared?

No one knows.

The three people who stayed in the first place to leave the snake woman’s hands were the little girl, then the sister, and finally Ye Jian.

Ye Jian, who is alive, has the opportunity to come to the country of Laos today.

(End of this chapter)

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