Chapter 4699 Little cute

Before entering the country of Laos, Ye Jian thought that it would take some time, but it was surprisingly smooth. Even if she had possession of poisonous goods on her body, she would enter the territory of the country smoothly and enter the territory to meet local police personnel. Ye Jian, who came back from the head, even went back. Born in cold sweat.

As a result, a false alarm did not check her. The drug dealers in charge of communication exchanged a banknote of one of the police officers of the country of Laos. Even their luggage was just flipped over and lifted their hands.

If placed in China, no drug dealer dares to be so arrogant.

As one of the most rigorous countries in the world for drug control and anti-drugs, China’s harshness often leads to criticism from Western countries. No country like China is so strict in drug control, no matter how much it is, once it is seized, it will be investigated for criminal responsibility.

More than a hundred years ago, because of opium, China became a riddled country. In the end, the mountains and rivers ruptured, countless people died in war, and countless people were destroyed in poisonous films. Taking history as a mirror, we know that there is a rigorous anti-drug in China today.

I saw the heart of Ye Jian, who can buy and sell with only money, shuddering.

Ye Jian, who successfully entered the territory of the country of Laos, changed to the local traditional costumes of the country of Laos. From the winter vacation to the present, he did not cut it. The black hair that grew to the neck was combed into a high-rise hair, and put on a colorful bobbin skirt. The same color shawl, both hands with gold and silver bracelets, also step by step to follow the wide walk in the pseudonym “Lina” snake woman.

Entering the territory of the country, I immediately took the special car, the black rush, the interior is extremely luxurious, a bodyguard immediately opened the door, a bodyguard stood next to the police, the snake woman Lina took the lead, the second To Ye Jian.

The vehicle entered the border county, and finally stopped at the highest level in the county town. At the entrance of the hotel with ethnic characteristics, a doorman immediately came over and pulled the door. It was extremely necessary to ask Lina to get off, and then Ye Jian got off.

As for the bodyguards to get off the bus, there is no need for a doorman service.

The sun at the end of May was just right, the translucent and translucent light to the blue sky, Ye Jian from the car down to the sun can not help but blink, seemingly forgot to follow Lina’s footsteps.

Lina, who was walking in front and swaying, and her waist and waist twisted like a snake, found that the person who should be followed up did not keep up. She decided to stand still, gracefully turned around, and although she had a smile on her mouth, she was waving to the leaf Jane. “Little cute, keep up.”

Ye Jian, who was in a panic, quickly followed, bent over and bowed his head. A look that had never seen the world made Lina bend her black eyebrows and wrinkled her hands. She raised her hand and slowly touched the face of Ye Jian, such as a poison needle. The general line of sight is closely and closely, and the jealousy that is strongly pressed in the depths of the eyes reveals a lot of collagen-covered face.

The weather at the end of May was already very hot. Lina’s hand was the same as hers. The hot days were cold and cold, like snakes, and it was cold and cold.

She smiled lowly: “You need to slow down and relax your expression. I need a beautiful and well-behaved girl. I don’t need a girl who is stiff like a stone and has no interest at all.”

Young is so good, his face is tender, and it feels like touching the piano between fingers. Every tap is so fascinating and addictive.

How good is the face, the more tender people, and so beautiful, let alone the man likes it or not, even her woman is also a good life, likes… I can’t help but want to destroy.

If you have to endure it, you have to bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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