Chapter 4707 is angry

Ye Jian did not intend to find out that the boss’s mood behind the scenes was so good, but the mood of the femme fatale Lina in the next room was not so wonderful.

In particular, she saw that the state military of the country had destroyed all the seized drugs. Lina’s face was instantly white, and the drugs that were destroyed were all money, and the money was the life of the general. He needs a lot of money to buy weapons, and he needs a lot of money to maintain his power.

Now, someone is destroying his “life” in front of him, then… the next time he will go to see him, he will bear the greatest anger of the general.

All the subordinates under the general know that the general’s anger is not pointing at your nose, but… but will directly shoot down the useless people he thinks.

She is so hard to sell for the generals, but just wants the general to know that she is useful, killing her is the biggest loss.

Now she began to worry that the next general would vent all anger to her, worried that she would never return.

Lina didn’t dare to watch TV anymore. She was so anxious that she couldn’t even sit still.

She has to find a way to make it, and she must find a way to become a success.

What do you think?

Yes, first of all, she needs to transfer the anger that the general might have, preferably to someone else, to whom?

Five minutes later, Ye Jian’s room was pushed straight away, and Lina, who was supposed to rest in the next room, walked in.

Ye Jian is still watching TV. The pictures broadcast on TV are carefully and carefully recorded by all the guards around General Minai, including those who are mixed into the crowd.

She remembered all of them in her heart, but all the faces that appeared in the camera were not carefully missed, so that they could be recognized at a glance.

Lina came in the room, and Ye Jian stood up and shouted, “Lina sister…”


Lina’s face was stunned and she went straight to the single-person lounge chair in the room and sat down. The imposing manner was not weak, and even her eyes were condescending.

In her eyes, Ye Jian is humble, life is more like an ant, death is a life depends on her words, a look.

“Look at the clever obedience of yours these few days, I will take you to a place tonight, see a big man.” The line of sight turned to the TV, just to see a Western reporter holding a microphone and handing it to General Miner. Questioning whether the Myanmar side has recently made major moves in the fight against drugs, and even raised quite sensitive issues.

“Excuse me, the generals, the Burmese drug is flooding, is there a military to act as a protective umbrella for local drug dealers? If this is the case, does the general know?”

I just didn’t say “Is the general being a protective umbrella for local drug dealers?”

General Miner’s face suddenly became cold. He had stopped walking and personally took the microphone of a western reporter. He confronted the camera on the front and answered righteously. “We can’t act as a protective umbrella for drug dealers. The people’s army of a country will do things that endanger society, and it is even more impossible to commit crimes!”

The leaf that stood still slightly hooked the corner of the mouth.

Of course, it will not act as a protective umbrella for drug dealers, but will only sell drugs by itself.

The army of the people, huh, huh, the Burmese side may have few people’s army, and the warlords and local armed forces are all built to maintain personal power.

In the face of the media, General Minley said so well-being, is not afraid of the wind and big teeth?

(End of this chapter)

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