Chapter 4708

The question was made by a journalist from a certain country in the West. The question that was shocked by the reporter was the question asked by the reporter, and Lina was taut.

The well-trimmed long nails instantly broke a few pieces of Lina out of the phone, her face was gloomy and dripping out of the water, she set a phone number, and the content of the confession did not evade Ye Jian.

She told the story in front of Ye Jian, and she only told me in English.

“Western reporters who appeared on TV at 11:03 am, find a chance to teach him well.”

Can only learn, can not be done.

It is too obvious to do it. It is equivalent to telling the world that the Burmese military has indeed acted as an umbrella for local drug dealers. Because of the disclosure by a journalist from a western country, it is anger and anger to kill a journalist from a certain country in the West.

Lina would like to kill the reporter from a Western country, but the situation does not allow her to do so.

The person on the other side of the phone received an order, did not ask too many questions, simply answered a few words, knowing who the target is.

Lina, who hung up the phone, took a few deep breaths to spread the suffocating suffocation in her chest. Tonight, she had to bring the “people goods” in front of her, and she needed to let her transfer the general’s anger.

Otherwise, she will definitely become the torch of the general.

It was cool to look at the leaf smudges again with a filthy sight, and once again estimated the value of the leaf.

Ye Jiansheng lived, and quickly glanced at Lina, her eyes slammed into the moment, Ye Jian was afraid to tighten her shoulders, and the frightened chicks shivered.

Seeing this, Lina’s **** red lips bend out of the cold arc.

She, I like to see the scars on the faces of these little girls, all of them look young and beautiful, thinking that they will succeed, in fact, she will make them die.

The feeling of tormenting people is really cool.

Lina, who was playing with her fingers, raised her feet and then waved her hand. She saw the bodyguards who were guarding Ye Jian all day and walked to Lina’s side. Then she kneels on her legs and reaches for another massage of Lina’s legs.

Ye simply wandered around his fingers, and he did not dare to look at it.

After being trained by Lina for nearly three months, she saw too many human darkness, bundles, whip, wax, and needles… But where the girl she was trained did not do well, she did not satisfy her. It must be subject to such abuses as she had never heard before.

The girls screamed, and Lina laughed and enjoyed it.

Ye Jian was burnt once by wax, only because she did not cooperate with the abuse of another girl who was transferred from the Thai side.

Those three months…

The slightly low-lying leaves of the leaves are blushing. She once thought that she was the most unfair and darkest treatment. Until she fell into the hands of Lina, she realized that the true darkness was not visible at all, and it could not be made public. It is impossible to be reported at all, and it is completely dark under the iceberg.

The ear seems to be faint and can hear the screams of the tortured girls, and even more faintly, Lina has a cold laughter. If this woman does not get rid of it, I don’t know how many innocent girls have lost her hand.

At noon, a hotel waiter delivered a meal. Because Lina was in the room, the waiter sent the hearty lunch directly to the room. Ye Jian also came into contact with strangers who entered the hotel except bodyguards and Lina.

The waiter who pushed in for lunch bowed and said hello, and Ye Jianguang took the initiative to walk over, using the words of the Burmese dialect: “I am with you…”

Waiting for the waiter to refuse, Ye Jan has already bypassed him, his arm is gently around, there is a small thing falling into the palm of his hand, and then he comes sideways, with nothing in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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