Chapter 4710 is keeping an eye on

“Minley General, Lina, the Burmese military controls the poison chain, girls in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and China, and abroad. Location Kebang is 327 kilometers north of Nasser Village.”

In a five-star hotel on the border of the country of Laos, the cleaned leaf slips down and puts all the lunches in place. When the waiter bends over again, the phone is still in his pocket, revealing a small corner.

The phone naturally leaves no traces.

The Deng team, who was leading the team to check the passing vehicles, felt the shock coming from the pocket. He waved to stop the vehicle and let the vicious police officer around him check it. He then took out the phone and checked it.

When he saw the contents of the text message, the face of the Deng team, which was sun-tanned, was happy, but it was only swayed and stabilized.

When he is used to the big winds and big waves, the big surprises are only a small wave, not even obvious.

However, the surprises of this time were too great. No preparations came suddenly. It was also when their investigation was in a stalemate. The moment when Deng’s repression of the mood for a few days disappeared.

The mobile phone quickly rushed back into the bulletproof car and conveyed the message to the main person in charge of the case. For the sake of insurance, the Deng team did not directly say it on the phone. It only said that the identity of the mysterious woman has made great progress.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Trinity Criminal Investigation Brigade, the Anti-drug Brigade, and the Frontier Armed Police Tripartite Meeting held another high-level confidential meeting.

All meetings are dictated throughout, no paper materials, no communication equipment, people sitting in the conference room, listening to their ears, remembering in the heart, out of the conference room, all the meeting content is only known to you, never tell the second people.

As the identity of the mysterious woman surfaced, the umbrella behind it also surfaced. It was the largest warlord of the Burmese state, General Minle. This result… I was surprised that there was not much surprise.

Just let all the participants present in the heart burst into flames.

The Burmese military has been involved in drug trafficking and has become the biggest umbrella for drug dealers in the Golden Triangle. It has always been the biggest headache for the Myanmar government. However, the government has no ability to stop it.

To prevent too much, it will be retaliated by the warlords.

“According to the news from the front, not only the girls in our country are missing, but also the three countries of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar. All of the missing girls have moved into the hands of the woman named “Lina”. …Teach the training and send it to countries to develop their drug trafficking market with special services.”

“The news in front does not clearly state what special services are provided, but with the cruelty of the Golden Triangle drug dealers, we can all think of how cruel it will be.”

“In addition to Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar, the Chinese side has a special girl-selling route for Lina. We need our criminal investigation team to completely destroy the mature pipeline operation.”

“The frontier defense arms police should step up inspections and must not let one go. Border patrols also need to be intensified, especially in the mountains between the two countries, and patrols are fully carried out.”

“Inspection of mobile personnel and inspection of passing vehicles throughout the country, the township police of all townships and towns entered the villages and towns and remote villages to conduct population surveys.”

With the text message from Ye Jian, a large-scale, rigorous and unprecedented inspection was carried out throughout the country in the afternoon. The bus station and the railway station became the first key checkpoints, as did the traffic at high-speed intersections.

I went to Shanghai, then flew home from Shanghai…

(End of this chapter)

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