Chapter 4471

The darkness of the country’s territory shrouded the earth, and the hustle and bustle of the day was completely calm. Even the front desk in the hotel was a little sleepy. When I closed my eyes from time to time, I suddenly woke up and sipped a few mouthfuls of tea, yawned and tightened my eyes. Playing mentally on duty.

The mirrored elevator door was opened “,”, and the “蹬蹬” sound of the high-heeled shoes stepped on the smooth ceramic tile surface was first introduced into the front ear, and the moment resembling the bell of the reminder made people wake up.

The three front desks stood up and stood up, listening to a series of footsteps, until the guests appeared, they stood up with a smile and greeted in the language of Lao.

The splendid hotel lobby added a few minutes to the midnight trip, but the atmosphere was not quite right. Everyone was so silent that the front desk didn’t dare to look at the surprise.

In particular, the woman who walked in the front, with a baseball cap and a hat to lower the face of the big half, was very aggressive in every step, but the whole body’s movements were very stiff, as if to do something big, and It seems to be going to… to die.

The thought flashed through my mind, and the front desk made a shock, and secretly patted the brain and warned that I should not think about it.

The revolving door turns, leaving a number of people in a row, and there are two cars parked outside, a four-box sedan and a commercial car.

A quick-step bodyguard opened the car door, Lina immediately got on the bus, and Ye Jian walked naturally toward the business car. Before she walked, Lina, who was sitting in the car, came cold and came cold. “Come here.”

Simple two words, the general cold and cold.

Everyone has lowered their heads slightly, knowing that their Lina sister is in a very bad mood at this time, and no one dares to touch the head.

All the years behind Lina know that as long as Lina is angry, she will all scatter all the anger on them. As for who is the unlucky one who bears Lina’s anger, they don’t want to be themselves.

Therefore, these people are very accustomed to defending themselves.

“Go! Don’t sharpen!”

Immediately following the leaf body, the bodyguard heard that he couldn’t help but sigh, and pressed the door to urge the “unlucky” to pass. If she had to delay the time, she would not be able to change who would become the next “unlucky”.

The knees were stabbed by the tiles to the corners of the leaves that were painful for each step of the knee. They turned and turned… walked toward the black car.

When the door closed, the “bang” motor sounded and the two cars left the hotel.

In the dark, someone put down the telescope and whispered through the wireless headset. “The second goal is to leave the hotel, six people, and our staff will follow.”

“Received, received! In-car radar tracking start, the vehicle is successfully positioned, please evacuate immediately.” There was a voice in the wireless headset.

Soon, in a borderline in the Chinese territory, several computer screens that were turned on flashed a series of complex codes. As the code continued to change, the computer with continuous satellite map suddenly popped up with a small green-edged small frame. A red radar spot keeps flashing, and the information representing the area, position, coordinates, north latitude, and longitude and latitude outside the small frame block constantly changes as the radar point flickers.

At noon, Ye Jian sent the news to the hands of the Deng team. Before the tripartite meeting in Cheri City, the Deng team first sent the best scouts of the Yunnan Provincial Border Drug Enforcement Brigade to immediately go to the country of Laos.

With the information provided by Ye Jian, it is no longer difficult to lock Lina. General Minai is in the country of Laos. Ye Jian accompanied the female No. 2 target a few days ago in the border city where General Miner was located, plus the mobile phone that sent the message. It is the city number, and four scouts go straight to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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