Chapter 4717 kills them

Lina, who dared not look up, had a layer of cold sweat coming from the back. She even had her forehead against the grass, trying to let General Miner see her humble.

“No, because you have brought me considerable profits, so I will never reuse you if I never reuse women. However, I am very disappointed with you because your loss has caused me to lose tens of millions of dollars in the country of Laos. Can you know how many guns and ammunition that tens of millions of dollars can buy me, how many soldiers can I support?”

Lina, who is shaking her body, swallows her eyes, and oysters replied, “General, I will try to save this loss, the generals…”

In the forest, the branches swayed, and the night birds fluttered their wings and suddenly flew over the sky. The black sky, General Miner’s hand had touched the waist pistol, and his eyes were cast from Lina to the forest where the night birds flew.

Qing Ling Ling’s moonlight, according to General Qing Min Lai’s face is even more fierce than Lina. It is with awkwardness, not afraid of anyone, anything but my own fierce coolness.

Lina, who was squatting, didn’t feel anything different. She was afraid that she would have a hard time swallowing her throat and preparing to finish the unfinished words. There was a sudden burst of gunfire in the woods.

When the gunshots came, Lina ran quickly and took a pistol from her waist. She was very agile and picked up, and General Miner was behind her.

“General, beware!”

At this moment, Lina thanked the sudden appearance of the gunshots, so that she had the opportunity to protect General Minle, so that what she faced in front of her has a big turning point.

The moonlight was rehearsed, Yingying Moonlight sprinkled on the earth, and General Miner, who stood in the moonlight, faced the sound of gunshots, and his face was still calm, without a trace of surprise.

The gunshot was a shot of the soldier hiding him in the dark, and someone entered the forest and was discovered by his soldiers.

Lina didn’t know, she clenched her pistol to protect General Miner, and said: “General, please evacuate immediately, I will cover.”

General Miner is a life-saving. Although the “money” has been destroyed, as long as he has a life, he can earn it back. However, he has nowhere to withdraw now. He is behind the cliff and the front is the way to go.

“Get rid of them and leave a living.”

He wants to see who wants to kill him and kills him in the territory of Laos!

The Burmese special forces hiding in the dark have already gone out, the gunshots have become extraordinarily dense, and the adjutant standing outside is running. “General, we need to evacuate immediately!”

There was a scream in the woods, “Yahah,” the sound of Ye Jian, and then the sound was drowned and dragged to the side by the bodyguards around him.

“Call a shot and smash you!” The bodyguard took out the pistol and glanced at the leaf, and she just called her, and almost let him give the bullet!

Ye Jian was shivering, her temple was smashed by the muzzle, and it was dull and dull in the position of the sun. It was a bit worried that the pistol would go hot…

Desperately nod, indicating that he will not scream again.

The bullet flew over the sky above the head, hit the trunk, shot down the leaves, and the air of the grass was stained with grass.

Ye Jane was tightly squatting, hoping that the guys who suddenly popped up and shot could kill all of Miner’s generals.

The dark clouds slowly covered the cold and cold moon, the moonlight covered the clouds, and there was no light in the surrounding forest. The forest became really out of reach, preventing the bodyguards who escaped from Jane’s escape, and suddenly he reached out and grabbed the girl who was around him. Grab the person, and the coldness in the eyes of the blind man slowly spit out.

(End of this chapter)

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