Chapter 4718 Life

The gunshots are dense and rainy, and they are shot from all directions. The tight leaves can not escape easily. When they escape, they will become targets. If they have not taken a few steps, they will be shot. .

She is reluctant!

Still want to live back to attend the graduation ceremony.

“Don’t move, just stay, you will die faster.” Lin is too dark, and the bodyguards are trying to guard against the leaves and run away, so as to scare Ye Jian.

Ye Jian cried and replied, “I won’t run, I won’t run. Lina will not let me go, she will kill me… Don’t run, don’t run.”

The bodyguard is relieved, and Lina has a very good means. No one has ever sent a “personal goods” to escape from her hands, no one!

Those who are not honest have long been found to be resolved in advance by Lina.

The bodyguard who threatened Ye Jian didn’t know that he almost stepped into the Jurassic Temple with both feet. When the gunshot sounded, Ye Jian was killing his bodyguards all day long, until the bodyguards warned her that the killing was still going.

The other party said that “the turmoil will die faster” and let Ye Jian kill his heart.

If the bodyguard is dead, and she is still alive… I will be suspicious of Lina’s suspicion. Once she is suspicious and she “will rather kill a thousand”, she will not work any explanation. It was solved directly by Lina.

Now she still doesn’t know if the police have any action. She still needs to stay with Lina and find more clues to pass back to China. Therefore, she really can’t move.

Ye Jian, who had lost his heart, became more honest. He couldn’t move if he couldn’t move. Even in order to let the bodyguards concentrate on his surroundings, she took the initiative to reach out to the bodyguard’s clothes corner and forcefully tightened and told each other invisibly. She has been there, afraid to escape.

Ye Jian’s cooperation really makes the bodyguards pay more attention to the surrounding, the gunshots are too chaotic, and he does not dare to show up casually, only to hide.

It is impossible for the generals to enter the country of Laos alone. They will definitely enter the country with secrets. There are soldiers around the generals. They do not need to jump out and desperately.

The bodyguards who guarded Ye Jian were not careful, but the two bodyguards who had been with Lina did not. The two responded quickly and then shot together and went straight to Lina.

The woods with complex terrain provide good shelter for everyone, and the soldiers brought by General Minley have already figured out the woods in the daytime, and the guys who have been assassinated by the night and night have been killed by the soldiers one by one.

General Miner, who was surrounded by four soldiers, looked fiercely at the woods where the gunshots continued. The long-smokered cigarettes turned into a purple-colored mouth and sneered. “Two live mouths, open their mouths.”

“Yes.” The soldiers should go down and inform the soldiers in the woods to destroy the enemy.

At this time, Lina was long and relaxed, and tonight she was very lucky.


The bullet hit the hard rock, the sparks splashed, and Ye Jian heard the sound of shattering behind him, which was the sound of the foot on the fallen leaves.

But the bodyguards around her were unaware of it, just looking at the front.

If you go on like this, you will definitely be discovered.

“When can we go, I am afraid…” Ye Jian opened his mouth and cried, and his voice was stunned by the sound of gunshots, but it was enough for the people behind him to hear.

The footsteps stopped, the shredded sound disappeared, and the bodyguards slammed into Ye Jian’s mouth again, hating not directly smashing Ye Jian, “Shut up!”

(End of this chapter)

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