Chapter 4719 Missing

The leaves that were caught in the nose were soaked by oxygen-deficient feet and hands, but they made more movements, reminding the people who had touched them in the dark and choosing to detour.

Even if the other party does not detour, they choose to shoot, and their hidden position will not be shot immediately, and there is enough time to escape.

The soldiers brought back by General Miner are not vegetarians. They are brave and good at fighting. The guy who came to assassinate is not expected to have a heavy deployment. There are not many people sent, not even more elite. Fortunately, I can fight for it. When the power gap appears in the later period, the defeat will gradually become apparent, but it will not be defeated for a while.

The leaf slip that was smashed to the point where he almost suffocated could finally breathe the air with the smoke, breathe in the mouth, and cough with the eyes of the scorpion.

General Miner was used to the big winds and was not assassinated twice. As one of the biggest warlords in Burma, he was definitely a male, and the assassination did not let him look in it until a red light suddenly flashed.

Lina found red light, her face changed dramatically, and she drank high: “The general is careful!”

That is the red light of the sniper rifle, there are snipers!

The reaction of the four soldiers was faster than Lina. Lina spoke. Someone had thrown down directly to General Miner, and he was under his own body. Another soldier blocked the red light and the large-caliber bullets broke through. Lina felt a splash on her face like a small stone, warm, sticky, and splashed on her face.

She didn’t scream and knew what was splashing on her face.

It was the soldier’s head that was smashed by bullets, the shattered skull and blood, and the brain filled her face.

The situation of snipers is different. General Miner, who is black and dark, has no responsibility for pursuing Lina’s responsibility. He no longer stays in place and is retired by soldiers.

Lina didn’t keep up, but she chose to retreat temporarily. When she entered Lin, she said to General Miner: “General, I will stay, I will judge the generals clearly.”

At this point, General Miner’s face was slightly improved, and a slight “squeaky” sound was heard in the nose, leaving the soldier.

“Leave two live mouths, and the rest will be killed.” The adjutant issued an order. Before leaving, he also looked deep and looked at Lina. He still said that he would follow the generals.

The soldiers in the woods began to clean up because of the sniper’s shots, and the screams began to become dense. Ye Jian was always tight, even if the hot warheads hit her back and did not move.

Until the point of fire was a little farther away from her, the bullet did not rub her over the top of the head before she moved.

After about half an hour, General Miner’s secretly entered the territory of the country of Laos. In addition to leaving two live-mouths, the rest were all destroyed. Lina, who was covered in smoke, came out. She looked at the two shackles. The first thing to do first is to find Ye Jian.

She is worried that Ye Jian will take the opportunity to escape.

The cold-faced bodyguard dragged the leaf and neckline all the way, and pushed it to Lina’s feet to report the performance of Ye Jian.

This time, because of her good mood, Lina is not angry, but she thinks it is normal.

The first time I heard the gunshot, was it afraid that the scream would not be normal?

“Fortunately, it’s just screaming. I thought she would scare the diaper.” Lina smirked and sneaked away.

The most important thing at the moment is how to get useful information from your mouth.

And Ye Jian saw Lina, the first thing I thought was… General Miner did not kill, so I also killed this beauty snake. After tonight, I don’t know when I have a chance.

Ye Jane thought about it, but never thought that the opportunity was not far from her.

La la la, six thousand words sent.

Tomorrow is August, and the monthly ticket for August is up, and will continue to be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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