Chapter 4820 Brutal means

The two arrested live-leaf Jane also saw it, unlike the people out of the army, and not like mercenaries, but a bit like a beater, even the bodyguards are not.

General Miner did not take everyone away, leaving a few to help Lina complete the cleanup, the end of the rushing fight these people do not need Lina orders, into the woods to drag out the guys one by one, so that the number of Lina counted .

The snipers that have appeared have also been found.

… Ye Jian silently looked at the sniper that was lifted out, and the sniper who could be killed so quickly was not a sniper.

Holding a sniper rifle can not be considered a sniper.

It is said that he also expelled a guardian around General Miner, indicating that there was still a gun, but he did not arrive home and lost his life.

Lina, who stood in the open space, did not push everything to the soldiers left by General Miner. She was afraid that leaving her tongue would once again disappoint General Miner, and very cautiously told the people below to assist the soldiers left behind. Count the number of people, and strive to do not let go of a fish that slips through the net.

No way, she is now wearing a sin, wanting to eliminate the anger of General Minle, must be made.

Lina urgently needs to make meritorious deeds in order to show her own ability and to continue to work with peace of mind without fear of being executed by General Minai at any time.

Yes, General Minley wants to solve someone, not to kill, the official saying is “executive.”

Executions may not be subject to criminal liability.

However, when he arrived at General Miner, even if someone said that he “killed”, he would not turn up the storm, and the winner is still him.

Until about 2 am, a total of 28 bodies with no body temperature were counted. These people are commonplace and have no discomfort.

The rich **** smell in the air made Ye Jianjian breathe tightly. She just stood at the ventilating wind, and the wind blew over the blood and smelled all over her face. It smelled… it was uncomfortable.

The two livelihoods that were **** by Wuhua saw the brothers who usually talked and laughed. At this time, one or two of them fell down. In addition to grief and indignation, they were more deeply hated by General Miner.

They thought that Miner’s entry into the territory of Laos would not bring too many people to enter the territory of Laos. There were not many people around him who appeared on TV. They thought that there were really few people… they had plans for tonight.

Where do you know that he is not without people, there are only a few people around him, and the rest… all secretly sneak into the territory of the country.

Lina hasn’t interrogated them yet. Instead, she was “killed” by the two people’s eyes one after another. If she is in a good mood tonight, the two will not be down first and will be tossed by Lina.

There are no grind tools on hand… Lina can take the material on the spot.

Sharp stones, broken branches… and so on will all become the material of Lina’s torture. She has her own set of tricks that will kill people but not die.

Ye Jian, who was trained for three months outside of her, saw it with her own eyes and shuddered.

However, this time Lina did not immediately use the sentence, but patted the palm of her hand and put two live mouths in front of her. She bent down slightly and took a closer look at the two people, confirming that they did not know and then pressed people to pile up. The side of the body.

Instead of tormenting her mouth, she chose to torture the dead.

Tormenting the dead person… Once again, Ye Jian saw Liana’s cruel side of humanity. The leaf of the slightly licking finger was very light and lightly spit out the **** rust of the **** rust, silently open the line of sight.

(End of this chapter)

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