Chapter 4721 Bloody

Lina, who is keeping an eye on the activity, thinks of something. She yells a person’s name. It’s not that someone else is guarding Ye Jian’s bodyguard and tells the bodyguard to bring Ye Jian to the front.

This is to let Ye Jian watch her cruelty at a close distance.


The bodyguard pushed the leaf back and pushed it back. Ye Jian “does not dare” to go, but step by step back. “No, no, I don’t pass… I don’t pass…”

“Isn’t it going?? Imagine being cut into pieces like him. OK, as long as you like, I will tell Lina immediately.” Face-to-face black, the typical bodyguards of the Burmese men’s characteristics of the Burmese man show the fierce light, “Can’t you go?”

Ye Jian used his own head and was dragged over by the bodyguard.

“Take her hands away! Let her open her eyes! Don’t look at it, dig her eyes!” Lina saw Ye Jian, afraid to hold her head and shake her body. She showed a cruel smile on her face and forcibly turned her leaves back. buckle.

“Lina sister, I beg you, I am very embarrassed, you let me go. I dare not look at it… ah ah…”

Forced to be fixed to the head, forcing a close-up view of Ye Jian more clearly see the scene before, at that moment, Ye Jian’s heart to Lina’s killing has reached an unbearable level.

Forbearance, she needs to endure!

Although the information came out, the Deng team did not hand over the news, and it was not clear whether the underground dark line buried in the Chinese mass trafficking population was extinguished. Is there any other arrangement on her side… No news from the Deng team? She still needs to bear it.

In the mouth, there was a burst of horror, and the leaves were shivering like a chill. In exchange for Lina’s screaming, her fingers clenched her leaves and chin, and she was squatting. “Tonight, look at your honesty, rest assured, I will only Let you see, it won’t really cut you down.”

“Look good! Give me a note in my heart. I will be more awkward in the future. Do you understand? Otherwise, you are the same as them. After you kill you, I will smash your body and throw it into the Mekong River to feed the fish.”

Man is a knife, I am a fish, and the leaf of a white face is the fish under the knife of Lina. All the powers of life and death are mastered by her hand.

The blood in the wind is getting thicker and thicker. I only feel that the leaves in my stomach are vomiting, bloody, cruel, **** on earth!

The two live mouths were mad by Lina, and they began to scream, and a bunch of ugly words from the Burmese side burst out from the mouth of the two.

Although Ye Jian finally learned the Burmese language in three months, she really didn’t know what to say, so that after listening to it for a long time, she only knew that the other party was swearing. As for what she had to rely on, she could rely more and more to understand. a little.

The monk, who has never been her specialty, has heard that Lina was being shackled, and Ye Jian, who was forced to watch it at a close distance, pressed her stomach down the river and gently raised her hand and touched the face that had been swollen by Lina.

Hearing that Lina was shackled, her heart was very cool. If there was no such **** scene, she thought she might have a smile…

The cruel **** scene made her feel heavy like a molten iron, heavy, pressed to her chest and gasping.

As the curses of the two lively mouths became more and more ugly, Ye Jian found that Lina was not angry at all, so the abnormality made Ye Jian’s twilight change.

The femme fatale Lina is not a **** that can be laughed at. She can laugh at the temper. There is no one in the stockade who dares to say that she is half-word swearing. Whoever comes to her is cautious, not afraid to let go, even dare not to dare.

(End of this chapter)

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