Chapter 4728 Action

Only by becoming a person like Lina, can she survive better.

The Burmese girl, Ma Min, was in pain, and she was thinking.

The screams outside have faded away. Wu Jinkun, who came for revenge, swept away and confronted himself. He disguised himself as a woman with no sham. He stupidly said to the people around him: “You bring a few people to the outside. Now, I’m going to drop a fruit plate. I’m worried that I will shoot it out next time. It’s best to ask me, who told them to throw something in front of me.”

Lina cheek masseter can’t take a few strokes, what does he mean?

I used to come to the stockade to smile at her every time. How is it wrong today?

It’s hard to be… what did he find?

Lina, who was in her heart, smiled and said: “Kun brother laughed, we have cooperated for many years, Kun brother still doesn’t know me? Kun Ge rest assured, there will be no more next time.”

The mouth was so squeaky, but my heart was not calm. Seeing Wu Jinkun’s face was heavy, and there was a slight tension in the depths of her eyes.

Wu Jinkun is a sly thing that even the generals are jealous of three points. Suddenly came to her stockade… Is it really cooperation? But why come suddenly, not as early as before?

Wu Jinkun, who had been pitted by a woman for several years, did not want to say anything more than the people below the enemy, Miner, and waved his hand, so that two bodyguards standing behind him went out to ask.

Lina, who was stepped on her face again, had a burning pain on her face. She also took a few smiles. “Kun Ge, the plate is my person, Kun Ge will not think that I told them to fall.”

“Is it right if my people ask, do you dare?”

“Dare, why don’t you dare! Even though Kun Ge’s people are asking!” Lina said that she had to bite the silver mouth and still have to smile. It was very generous for Wu Jinkun to go out.

“Ask me and come back and tell me.” Wu Jinkun indicated that his own people went out, and the bodyguards that came out were not others. It was the Chinese undercover who brought the news to Ye Jian.

The two bodyguards slightly bowed their heads. When they came out, they also directly pulled out the pistols that were not in their waists. It is self-evident that Lina’s face could not be smothered directly.

Her hands on the armrests of the bamboo chair couldn’t help but tighten tightly. The depths of the eyes were unclear. She calmly said: “Kun Ge, what do you mean, the rules in the stockade have been forgotten?”

“I haven’t forgotten, but I am worried that you are not quite flat here. I have to guard against it.” Wu Jinkun was a warlord and played the role of a martyrdom with the Burmese government. He did not look at the small person like Lina.

I used to give each other a three-point face, nothing more than the two people have cooperation, now, I will not give the other face any more.

In a word, Lina’s heart suddenly sinks. “Kun Ge, please say something if you have something.”

As the bamboo-wood doors embedded in bamboo are closed, the voices inside are also isolated.


The two bodyguards who came out saw the girl lying under the sun at a glance. One of the bodyguards sneered: “The means of the Golden Triangle Lina sister is really poisonous. The girl with the same flower falls into her hand, and few can live. For a long time. People are beautiful, it is no wonder that Kun Ge sometimes reminds the following people to learn from Lina.”

The poisonous undercover from the Chinese side took out the smoke from the pocket, and the lighter slammed and slammed out a cluster of blue flames to the front of the cigarette.

Deeply smoking a cigarette, he spit out a string of white smoke, his eyes were indifferent and he looked at the girl under the sun. “Kun Ge wants to know who told them to throw the plate. I asked now.”

(End of this chapter)

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