Chapter 4729 Deep meaning (monthly ticket ing)

Lina, this stinky woman is not honest, today, in the face of Kun Ge, even the fruit plate fell, who knows whether to deliberately command the following people. Here you look tight, something immediately tells Kun Ge. Other people’s sites must be careful when they are cooked again. ”

After that, I took a cigarette and walked directly to Ye Jian, who was under the raging sun.

The anti-drug police undercover indicates that Ye Jian’s fruit bowl has certain intentions.

The first is temptation.

The second is to see if the other party is responsive and understand his meaning. After all, they have to work together tonight to leave.

Third… and the most important point, Lina is awkward and cautious. He will contact her female soldier, which will make her heart suspicious and fearful to join the female soldier. Therefore, he has to have an excuse for contact.

Four, he proposed to Wu Jinkun to see if he can attack the people around Lina so that they can plan for it tonight.

Now he can go directly to the female soldier undercover, and will not be suspected by Lina.

At the same time, the first temptation also made his heart more emboldened. The simple temptation made him see that the female soldier was very sharp as Deng said, and he simply understood it.

Going over and being blocked by Lina’s subordinates, the poisonous undercover continuously spit the smoke circle, and with one hand holding the pistol, I didn’t know what to say, and the two talents who were blocked were reluctant to let go.

The sun in June is very big, and it can be picked up by the leaves, and even the ground is hot.

The leaves tied with his hands were squatting down, feeling that the blood flowing slowly on the back was slowly burned by the sun, and the wounds no longer bleed.

The white to the glare of the sun was blocked by a shadow, the leaves of the shoulders screamed up, and the black and bright eyes had a burst of fire that was hotter than the sun.

He glanced at Ye Jian, and he didn’t speak in his mouth, and his gestures started to darken.

“Slightly safe.”

Ye Jianguang was slightly moved, and he saw the vicious police standing in front of his own eyes. The police went under the side of Ma Min. The black and cold muzzle of the pistol forced him to lift Ma Min’s chin. The voice was trembling and asked her. Who told you to push people, and throw the fruit plate to see Kun?”

Long years of undercover, scorpion poison police under the eyebrows are contaminated with the murderer’s enthusiasm, scared Ma Min trembled to the teeth and shivered, even the courage to open.

“Quickly say! Otherwise you are married!”

When he sipped, Ma Min scared the incontinence on the spot, didn’t breathe in one breath, and turned his eyes up and turned his life to death.

Scorpion police: “…” has not asked what she actually fainted!

Get up, and lift your feet, don’t lighten Ma Min’s foot, and keep an eye on his face to confirm that he is really faint, and then he walks to Ye Jian.

The shadows were shrouded, and Ye Jian did not look up again. Instead, he pretended to be afraid to move his knees. In front, Lina’s eyes were fixed, and the hand even touched the rifle in secret, ready to shoot at any time.

The police smuggled into the front of Ye Jian. He did not use the muzzle to reach Ye Jian’s chin. He said that the sentence was high and the sentence was low. The pitch was for interrogating Ye Jian. In the end, who was instructed to throw the fruit bowl, the low voice was light. Tell the story of what happened outside Ye Jian.

“The black line of Lina’s transnational traffickers in our territory has been completely destroyed. At the same time, I have mastered the evidence of Minley’s massive crimes. Congratulations on your leaflet, your mission is complete.”

“Wu Jinkun came here to stop Lina tonight. The person he brought has now secretly sneaked into the stockade. You and I will get out with you tonight. We can return to China!”

By swearing the police’s proverb, Ye Jian gently closed his eyes.

She has been undercover for more than four months… I can get out tonight, she is looking forward to coming tonight!

The Burmese girl fainted next to her, and her fingers trembled, her fingers were darker, how did she… It seems that someone who has a Chinese side is talking in the ear?

La la la, updated, the undercover is coming to an end.

Entering the individual combat period during the six major periods!

(End of this chapter)

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