Chapter 4930 is difficult to choose

Ma Min only breathed a little bit thicker, and even the expression on his face had not changed. Even without a little movement, he was immediately noticed by Ye.

When the sun is shining, the sound of the surrounding humming seems to be baked by the sun, and even the sound of the sound is lost. The squatting leaf Jane was also stumbled, and Ma Min, who just woke up, just saw it, and made her feel great.

“Dare to throw things in front of Kun brother, you two are still the first, let’s touch the head of the neck and see how long it will stay!”

The vicious police standing up and raising their feet again, once again slammed into the waist of the leaf, it seems that the strength is very heavy, but in fact, the tip of the shoe broke into the ground, but the back of the foot wiped the waist of the leaf, and could not hurt the leaf.

In the position of Ma Min, she only knows that the Chinese girl she wants to get rid of is once again being shackled. The more she is beaten, the more happy she is.

With moxibustion and sputum, even if the body swells in urinary suffocation, Ma Min can still laugh and bloom.

Happy, so happy!

She likes to see Chinese girls being beaten!

Hahaha, compete with her for victory and defeat, find death!

Ma Min, a girl from the Kachin ethnic group in the Burmese mountain range, the Burmese Kachin people are militant, and there are countless heroes. There are blood and blood in the bones of men and women, and Ma Min’s mountain village is hunting for a living. When the stocks are weak, they are motivated. In the face of danger, Ma Min’s first thought is how to live.

She wants to live well, to live head-to-head, like Lina can dominate other people’s lives and live.

The existence of Ye Jian is an obstacle that prevents her from living well and must be removed.

Opened his eyes and saw Ye Jian twice being shackled. After Ma Min and others let herself scare the vicious stunned undercover, she dared to laugh. “How is the taste of being beaten? Is it very comfortable? Hahaha, hahaha And there is more comfortable waiting for you behind.”

“Wait, wait, you can’t escape, hahahaha, you can’t escape.” The voice is pointed, like a small stone under the wooden door that is pushed across the ground, tipping to the eardrum.

Just now she was fascinated and heard that someone said the Chinese side, but there was no one besides the only one who could speak Chinese.

Then, who was she talking about Chinese?

Speaking Chinese with the man who just left?

Do they know each other?

Ma Min became excited, if they knew each other, then… Can it be said that this guy is not honest?

Hahaha, hahaha, Lina sister does not like the unfair guy!

She thought of how to get rid of this guy’s way as soon as possible, she thought of it!

Ye Jian, who had long been accustomed to Ma Min’s hostility, struggled to regain his enthusiasm. She knew that Lina did not see her as well, and she would inevitably be beaten again.

Tonight, she will be able to leave this “cannibal” place, she needs to maintain her current state, and can no longer add a wound to her body, so as not to cause mistakes.

Before leaving, Lina was the target she needed to solve with the anti-drug police undercover.

In front of this, Ma Min, a girl who has been killing herself, has been struggling for a long time. Ye Jian, who has not struggled for a long time, gives her a little time to breathe. Cold eyes have slightly swept over Ma Min and made a very difficult choice.

Keeping Ma Min will be a scourge. Her actions have been assimilated by this darkness. It is no different from human beings to kill an ant. Assimilation of Ma Min… Can you stay?

(End of this chapter)

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