Chapter 4734 is alive

Ma Min grew up in the mountains from childhood, and the wilderness is also wild. The hunters in the mountains told Ma Min from a young age that they either let go of their prey or kill them. This is the way the Kachin people live.

She is used to the weak meat, and after Lina’s training, the killings in Ma Min’s bones are all motivated. From Lina’s body, I want to learn to live. First of all, I need to be ruthless, but anyone who becomes a barrier to her survival must be removed!

“You are too intrusive, you are too intrusive! Without you, Lina will definitely let me go. I am the most obedient person around Lina, you have to die, you must die!”

“What is the useless thing to keep, I want to help Lina kill you, I want to kill you!”

The mad Ma Min grabbed a gray ash from the ground and slid it into the eye. When the 趁 leaves were waving, they rushed again. Ye Jian is now the prey she must kill, she must kill her! Must kill her!

At this moment, Ma Min has only one thought in his heart: killing!

She is not the first to kill, her hands are bloody, she is not afraid of killing again.

“Ma Min, you are a very smart girl. Seeing that I and you are both Kachin people, I will let you live well and live the life you want.”

“Is there no? The two girls who are disobedient and have no use in the first place, you help Lina kill them. Kill them, you are my people.”

“In the future, you will monitor the other two girls for Lina. They have any movements, and they all have to tell Lina. What have you said, what you have done, you have to be embarrassed, tell me honestly.”

“Ma Min, Lina is so optimistic about you, you won’t let me down. This knife, you are familiar with it…”

A whole body of black paint, only the blade is polished to the cold Kachin knife.

How is she not familiar with it?

The Kachin knives are found in all the villages of their village. Children must learn to hold knives when they are young, and they will be able to use them when they grow up.

If she is not too longing for urban life, wants to live a good life, wears a good job, and does not need to worry about the money every day and secretly leave the stockade, then she must still live in poverty in the poor stockade. life.

“This knife is the knife of our Kachin people, a knife to save ourselves. Now I will give it to you, you, help Lina solve two things that are useless.”

“Kill them and kill them. Later you are the subordinate of my sister Lina. Do you want to be my subordinate? My subordinates will get a lot of money and will get good money.” Very good life.”

“Why are you leaving the stockade? Isn’t it just to want to live a better life?”

“I will give you a chance now, only this opportunity. Missed, maybe next round is someone else to kill you. Do you want to live? Want to live well? Then kill them and kill them!”

Killed them and killed them…

She used to regret why she had to leave her stockade because she was hungry. Now she does not regret it, no regrets!

Why should she regret it?

Lina said that as long as she kills them, she will live the life she wants!

Just kill them!

Just like a few months ago, she stabbed the Kachin knives with her eyes closed, pulled them out, pricked them in, and pulled them out.

She did not stop, and all the strength was brought to the Kachin knives.

(End of this chapter)

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