Chapter 4735

Blood sprayed on her face, very hot and hot, hot to her hands and even the knife is smashed, but they have not broken their breath, still calling, can not let them call, can not let them live.

They live, and they will die by themselves!

She wants to live, she has to live well, live like Lina!

The madness of Ma Min’s mind has become chaotic, and the ear is full of Lina’s voice. The words are worn by the ear, and the words are branded in my mind. In the eyes of Ma Min, who is completely brainwashed, she only knows that she wants to kill and kill talents. Can make her survive.

This is Lina’s teaching of her survival rules.

“Kill you, I want to kill you! Don’t hide! Don’t hide! Give me a good place, stand up! Like them two, give me a good stop! Kill you, ah ah, I want to kill you. !”

The eyes are red and the controlled Ma Min is once again throwing on the leaf, and the sharp screams make the chill in the eyes of Ye Jian more and more thick, and the dawn is getting more and more embarrassing.

Stand up like the two of them…

The two girls who first disappeared… girl?

Ye Jian, who avoided it and did not face it, shot it.

One hand buckled Ma Min’s wrist, and then slammed a back button and pulled out his right leg to trip the mad Ma Min at a fast and fast speed.


Ma Min slammed the ground and slammed the dust around him.


Ma Min, who was tripped, made a scream. Now her hands are pressed against her back with one knee and the back of her hand is simply buckled back into a distorted U shape. The two arms are struggling with a slight pain.

The back neck was also buckled by the leaf, so that her face was pressed against the rough and uneven ground. The whole face was pressed into the ground and was polluted by human blood to emit a burst of rotten smell. , can not distinguish the color of the dry grass.

This fall, fell back to Ma Min’s madness, and the mind came back, and Ma Min’s voice became sharper. “Let me go, swear! Let go… oh… oh…”

A rancid hay was stuffed into Ma Min’s mouth, and all her words were blocked back into the eyes of the scorpion. Ye Jian made a strong effort, and the dead grass was deeply sagged against her scorpion eyes, blocking Ma Min on the spot, and his eyes were straight. turn.

“The two girls who were the first to disappear are killed by you! Are you killing them!” The leaf with one hand like a pair of iron tongs buckled against Ma Min, and the blood in her eyes was thicker than Ma Min. It is even more frightening.

Ma Min, who was crammed into the white-eyed eyes, struggled and tried to use his tongue to bring out the disgusting things in his mouth. He asked Ye Jian, and she did not answer.

“Is it you killed, isn’t it!”

No longer buckled her neck, Ye Jian suddenly changed the elbow lock throat, grabbed Ma Min’s throat with his elbow, and lifted Ma Min’s head with his arm strength. Forcing Ma Min’s entire neck to lean back high, the back of the head is about to resist her own posterior cervical joint.

“Hey…hey… let go of me, uh…hey…who…”

“Are you killing both of them? Killing the sister my sister has been looking for! Killing the girl who grabbed the pancakes! Are you killing them!”

Ma Min, who had a high neck and leaned back, had difficulty breathing, and it was even more impossible to answer Ye Jian.

The hay stuffed into the mouth was taken away by the leaves, and Mamming, who was breathing, gave a painful cough, and a tear coughed to the corner of her eye with tears overflowing.

“You, kill them both, why kill them!”

(End of this chapter)

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