Chapter 4736 will disappear forever

In the ear, there was a sharp voice like the Kachin knife. Ma Min’s eyes were so loud that she remembered it. She remembered it. Not only one person said Chinese, but also a man said the Chinese. words!

The man who scared her to fainted also said the Chinese!


The sound of the high height has not yet come out of the eyes of the blind. Ye Jian used his sharp nails to stab the position of Ma Min’s upper lip. The pain came, and Ma Min swallowed her scream in the eyes of her throat.

“You killed them, why! They are like you, why are you killing them!”

The leaf is literally asked, she thought that the earliest missing girl was handled by Lina. Who knows… Who knows that it was killed by Ma Min, and it was actually killed by Ma Min! !

“Hey…put…put…open me, traitor, you, traitor…”

Ma Min, who leaned back to the neck and breathed more smoothly, looked at the fierce light. She wanted to bow to Ye Jian, but she had no way to find her behind her. All the struggles had no effect. She became unable to move. Can not resist, only the accepted “prey.”

The word “traitor” was clearly sent to Ye Jian’s ear, and the questioning leaf was smothered. Ma Min heard her dialogue with the “Liu” surnamed poisonous police undercover. She should be vaguely listening. I did not hear it completely.

Add another reason to kill her!

“You killed them, have you ever thought that one day you will be killed by others! Traitors? I have never betrayed, how come traitors?”

The elbows were a little bit harder, and Ma Min’s limbs struggled even more, and the fierce eyes began to panic. “Let’s open, put…open, Li…na…”

“Kill the two of them, you should think that one day you will be killed yourself. Ma Min, you have chosen a road! At that time, in order to survive, you just started to use the means to us four people. The two were the first to kick out! From the very beginning… you chose to kill us all!”

“I don’t care what Lina said to you at the time, let you kill them, you shouldn’t… the least should…” What shouldn’t it be?

Ye Jian did not continue to say, tears flashed in the eyes of the twilight and cold.

Is Ma Min wrong?

She is wrong, but there is nothing wrong with it.

What is wrong with her want to survive? In order to be able to live well, she can only listen to Lina’s arrangement, choose to pick up the butcher knife to kill, and the two innocent lives stop at her hand.

Wrong in Ma Min?

Do not!

Wrong in a sinful Lina!

“Ma Min, you have taken the same criminal path as Lina. In order to survive, you think you can live well, wrong, and wrong Ma Min. You and Lina are all on a dead end!”

“I thought about taking you away, thinking about sending you home, I thought about it.” Tears slowly flowed out of the eyelids, and she could clearly feel that a life was slowly lost under her own hands.

Ma Min’s face was shrouded in arrogance. She struggled with her arms and struggled. She struggled to get a blue **** sputum in her neck. The sound of a “squeaky voice” in her throat was desperate.

She can’t live, she can’t live!

“Rebel… you,…”

The curse gradually disappeared, the brilliance of the eyes gradually faded, and even the struggling limbs were no longer moving. With the shackles and unwillingness, Ma Min could no longer see the rising sun tomorrow.

La la la, there are about 3,000 words updated around eleven o’clock.

(End of this chapter)

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