Chapter 4737 Abandoned Son

Ye Jian loosened his elbow, quietly looked at Ma Min, who was unwilling to die, wiped the tears from his eyes, and closed his eyes lightly and then opened, the light was cold and could not be waved.

Get up, drag the suffocating Ma Min to the corner of the dungeon, pretending to fall asleep against the wall, and he is sitting next to her, sitting with his hands on his knees, waiting for the sky.

Eight o’clock was Wu Jinkun’s action time. When the time came out, the fire started. She took the opportunity to leave the dungeon, and the police surrendered to the police.

Now the only thing she can do is wait.

Finally, Lina, who was drunk by Wu Jinkun, rushed back to the room and quickly dialed the phone number of the adjutant around General Minley.

She needs to know what the situation is outside!

The more anxious, the more I can’t get through, the general prompt “dudu” is busy, and the more so, the deeper the ominous premonition in Lina’s heart.

Outside, definitely something is wrong!

No longer calling, Lina screamed, “Come on!”

The bodyguards who kept outside pushed the door.

“Notify everyone to strictly guard the cottage. Once any strangers are found in the cottage, no matter what the people are all solved! All the completed poisons in the factory will be diverted, leaving only the poison goods that Kun Ge needs to be transported tonight!”

“All whistle moves, strengthen the warning of the cottage! Everyone carries a gun!”

Lina has a strong intuition. Now her instincts tell her that the situation is quite bad. She must act as early as possible and can’t wait in the cottage.

Everything was ordered, and Lina’s delicate face was twisted and twisted!

She, should she leave the village directly?

Do not!

Here is her hard work, can’t just leave!

Wouldn’t it be dangerous if I didn’t leave her?

Not for the time being.

Wu Jinkun is still there. He dares to come up today and should show that there is no danger at the moment. It is really dangerous. If he is afraid, he will not come up.

Even if she really wants to leave the village to leave, she has to leave with the cash from Wu Jinkun!

If you haven’t left tonight, at the latest… at the latest!

The nails coated with Yan Hong as blood nail polish were deeply caught in the palm of the hand, and Lina once again let people in.

This time, she arranged to… leave.

The sun is gradually getting westward, and the fire is burning like a splendid fire. The clouds are flowing to the end of the sky. The sun is dead and the trees are calm. The day is finally over and the night falls.

In the territory of the Burmese side, a military base in Shan State, several jeep vehicles pierced the black silence in the mountains with glare headlights. They were shocked by the hares that had been foraging for a few nights, and they quickly plunged into the bushes.

The wheels ran across the mountain road, leaving a deep tooth print.

One of the car’s face was cold and dark, and the imposing generals of the Burmese side kept shaking with the body. The accompanying driver and guards sat quietly and no one dared to speak.

The ringtone of the mobile phone broke the dead silence in the car, and the ringing bell that suddenly sounded even more shocked, and the eyes of the people were flustered, and the gaze of the mobile phone was not seen.

“General, Shan State police call.”

The adjutant did not immediately hand over the phone, but asked first.

General Miner swept his eyes on the mobile phone screen. He had a suffocating eye and he reached out and took the phone. “Hey, I am Min Lai.”

However, in a few seconds, General Miner’s awkwardness increased his temperament and increased his points. Even the adjutant swallowed his eyes, and he calmed down and sat down.

In the past two months, General Min Lai did not reveal a smile, and even executed a few small moves with his own hands. However, the high-ranking officials who were not guilty of death could see how angry the generals were.

(End of this chapter)

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