Chapter 4739 War

General Miner is one of the largest warlords in Burma. The people below him are not only Lina, but also the person who was once beheaded by the Snowy Brigade.

Lina’s ability to play for General Miner was also because of her acquaintance, and Lina, one of the beautiful mistresses, was ambitious from the beginning.

She first met her partner to find her partner, and then became the mistress of the other party. Then she realized that Minle was general through Qin Shengsheng, until she returned to the stockade to take the whole village together for drug trafficking for a total of three years.

This is also the reason why the Snowy Brigade blew up the warehouse where the smugglers stored a large amount of poisonous goods, and the income of General Miner was not completely interrupted.

Because behind him, in addition to Qin Yansheng, Lina, there are other drug-making factories, and the drug-making factory that he personally supervised is the largest source of military expenses for General Miner.

Massively produced to poison goods sold through the Lina, Qin Yansheng, such drug dealers around the world.

General Miner was able to give up when he gave up, but also because he never sent anyone to sell him drugs. On the contrary, there were many drug dealers who wanted to open the door to drug trafficking.

Lina became abandoning, and General Miner did not hesitate. He realized that Lina’s line was about to be exposed, and immediately sent people to cut off, and his heart was rarely accessible.

Wu Jinkun, holding the pistol, listened to the gunshots that were constantly ringing. He leaned back against the wheel and laughed loudly. “Lina, you should know who you want to kill you with your cleverness.”

“Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, when I Wu Jinkun dominated the state, his Min Lai is just a small pawn, and finally borrowed my power to bite me, you look at your allegiable dog things, this kind of thing he did not do less! Hahaha, Lina, you said that you can leave alive today?”

Wu Jinkun knew that Lina was hiding on the other side. The distance between the two was just a carriage. What he said, she could definitely hear it clearly.

But how do you hear it clearly?

From the very beginning, Lina knew how grateful her general loyalty Miner was. She used to be a figure in the Golden Triangle. I don’t know how much military money was collected for the generals. What ended in the end?

Even the person who died in her hands became fascinated. She looked at the investigation in the same year and secretly investigated it. She just received a general phone call warning. If she dares to investigate and does not need others to solve it, he will immediately solve the problem.

When I heard the news outside in the morning, I knew that my heart was not good. When I was drunk, Wu Jinkun arranged a retreat. Now, a lot of cash is in the car she is going to leave. The arrangements in the village are secretly arranged. Escaped from the palm of General Minley, she was all arranged, and since she decided to leave, what about being abandoned?

Separated by the carriage, Lina on the other side showed a shady smile. “It seems that Kun Ge has another plan today. I am sorry that Kun Ge, the younger sister can’t play with Kun.”

After saying it, the bodyguards around him made a look, and the bodyguards shot and suppressed, and they quickly evacuated.

Wu Jinkun’s face, whose body has not yet left, has changed dramatically. The size of the beans has smashed the light to the people around him, “block her!”

Oh shit!

The stinky woman arranged a retreat!

It must be arranged after he gets drunk, otherwise she has time to arrange.

Stinky mother!

It’s a shame that the Mina’s dog is worth watching!

Wu Jinkun, whose face was covered with suffocation, snorted and took the lead to rush out.

(End of this chapter)

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